He has 85% of girls obsessed

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He's been here for two weeks. It took one week for Brayden Snow to become the most popular boy in school, and another to capture the heart of about 85% of all the girls at Hogwarts.

Ha, just kidding. I wish this were Hogwarts, but no, it's just StarCross Academy.

Anyway, the other 15% just aren't cool enough to be anywhere near him to actually fall for him. This group consists of the school's outcasts, who get pushed away for being weird, the quiet 'mice', who are too shy to go up to him, and the academic team, who, frankly, just don't care about him. Oh, and me, of course.

I'm Annabelle Fen. Sixteen years old. I wouldn't call myself an outcast, or one of the mice, and certainly not someone on the academic team; but I'm definitely not qualified to be in that 85% of girls.

I'm just another typical girl. Except that I prefer my books over people. It's not that I shun people, or that people shun me, but I'd much rather have my eyes on a book than on some dude's crotch.

And with all the other girls in this school, that's definitely what you'd be doing.

But I'm not saying StarCross is a bad school. In fact, I love it here; the teachers are great, most students kind, and honestly, it's a beautifully designed school.

We've got a huge cafeteria with balconies hanging over it, a giant stage pressed up against the left side of the cafeteria and an amazing staircase on the right. We've got a nice, quiet study hall, big classrooms and clean carpeted dorms. Best part of all, we have an enormous library. Of course, I'm the only one who actually takes advantage of that.

Some students hang out around the garden, or in the classrooms, but the cafeteria's where it's at. Anybody is allowed to randomly get up on stage and sing during lunch or after school, so it gets pretty crazy.

And me? I can usually be seen at the study hall or in the library, if not in my dorm, not studying, but just reading, like now.

So I sit here, eating lunch in study hall, The Maze Runner by James Dashner sitting on the wooden table.

I can only faintly hear the pounding music from far down the hall, but it feels comforting now.

I gently open up the book, back to page 348, and get willingly sucked into Thomas' world.


Snapping the book closed, I am suddenly breathing fast and hard. That ending, I scream at myself in my head. How could you deceive me like this? I scream to the author.

Two main characters dead and a giant cliffhanger. Great.

I quickly devour the rest of my food and check the time on my IPhone. I have twenty minutes until class starts. More than enough time.

Slinging my book bag on my shoulder, I pick up my tray and drop it off at the cafeteria fast, before anyone can attempt to talk to me and waste my time.

Unfortunately, not fast enough, because Callie Williams stops me just before I can reach the door.

"Hey, Annabelle. Have you seen Brayden anywhere? I saw him in the hallway, like, five minutes ago and now I can't find him."

Callie Williams. Super athletic, reasonably smart, pretty face. Though her hot pink hair absolutely does not suit her.

I roll my eyes in my mind and respond, "Haven't seen him since Math. Maybe he's in the library?"

Both of us crack up at that. Everyone knows that nobody ever goes to the library. It's my territory, anyway.

"Okay then. See you later!" She says as she walks away, probably to scour the school for Brayden.

I sigh and shake my head. Eighty-five percent of girls at StarCross are as obsessed with Brayden Snow as I am with Theo James.


oops it sucks

hehe thanks for reading ily

~Jubelle <4

*PLEASE VOTE!! thanksss

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