Chapter 3

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It was the middle of the week and the day went by quite peacefully. Lottie woke up early. She looked towards Ellie's side of the room and she could she the outline of her body, slightly moving up and down as she was breathing loudly, a sound Lottie had gotten used to, even found relaxing. She got up, walking towards the bathroom on her tiptoes, not wanting to wake Ellie up from her peaceful slumber. She got dressed, getting ready for her run. She put on a thick-waist black legging along with a white shirt and her pink sport shoes. She tied her hair up and exited the room. She needed to clear her mind and relax. She'd been so stressed ever since Haru had arrived that she hadn't been running like she usually did. Her run was short, but it was a stress-reliever, it took her mind off things. She started imagining what it would have been like if she hadn't attended Rosewood. Who would Leviathan go after? After all, nobody knew Ellie was the princess when she had arrived. Would she have gone public? Would they have found someone else to be a Portman?That last thought stung her heart, she was Ellies Portman and she would never find someone more loyal and willing to replace her. She dreamed on, all the possibilities popping up in her head. She fell abruptly and all her daydreaming came to an end. She stood up swiftly looking around to make sure no one had seen her, but it was too early, she doubted many people were awake. She checked her watch and saw that she only had an hour before class started so she decided to go back to her dorm to get ready for class. She stepped into her dorm and was surprised to see Ellie sitting on her bed with her uniform on ready to go to breakfast. "Where were you?" Ellie asked "I went for a short run inside the school grounds" she answered, emphasising these last two words, aware that Ellie and Jamie were afraid that Ingrid would come back. Lottie took a quick shower and put her uniform on, and they headed down to breakfast where they met with Jamie.

They sat down at their usual table, overlooking the pond. Ellie had a big bowl of cereals which she had said that contained lots of vitamins and no sugar, right as Jamie had started to complain. After breakfast they went together to their first class, English, the only class which they all had together. Their day went by smoothly except for the last period. Lottie sat in her math class, no longer sitting next to Ellie but, next to a girl named Elizabeth. Ellie had been moved to extended class and was no longer with Lottie. Lottie had a hard time following the teacher. Lottie had not had a math tutor since before the attempted kidnapping by Saskia, but if she did not find one soon, she would undoubtedly fail math. When school finished Lottie went to her room to change. 

Today she had her first training session with Jamie after a long time. She was so excited yet, she felt butterflies in her stomach as she tried to soothe the nerves. She met with Jamie outside the doors of the Ivy dorm and they headed down towards the Rosewood forest (I forgot the name). There were two security officers thanks to Lottie's little run in with Ingrid. Jamie and Lottie easily eluded the guards. They walked in silence until they found the gran tree. Next to the tree Lottie could see a target, embedded in a small thin tree. Lottie's stomach swirled; this place did not bring her good memories. She walked around the tree and found that the chest she had dug up was still there, meaning that nobody had been here since. She checked to make sure everything was there, and she buried it again making sure nothing was visible through the dirt. She walked around the tree to find a very irritated Jamie. "Could you at least hurry up and not leave while I'm talking?" he asked. Lottie apologized and he began the class.

Today I'm going to teach you how to throw a dagger. Lottie was excited, she preferred this much more than running around for twenty minutes straight. First, Jamie did a demonstration. He bent his knees slightly and placed his feet shoulder width apart. Clearly this was a simplified version for her. She knew Jamie could throw in any position. To gather momentum, he raised his elbow and threw the knife towards the target. It collided with the center of the target, barely making a sound. Without processing it Lottie muttered "wow." Jamie turned around, with his signature smirk he handed her the dagger, "your turn" he said. Lottie grabbed the knife hesitantly. She pulled her arm back and flung the knife. It flew, past the target and into the trees "sorry" she said. Jamie came back two seconds later and handed her the knife once again. "This time prepare" he advised. She placed her left foot back and bent her knees. "Like this?" she asked "almost," he told her. "Change your feet, if you are throwing with your right, your right foot should be the one at the back, also, open your legs a bit wider." She rearranged the positioning of her feet and asked once again "like this?" "yes," he answered. She prepared to shoot and to her surprise, when she thrust the dagger through the air, it landed right in the center. "I did it!" she screamed, "did you see it? I hit the center of the target" "Of course I saw it" Jamie replied not being able to repress a smile. They finished training and they both went back to their dorms to catch up on some homework before bedtime. That night she slept more peacefully than she had another day. The rest of the week went by peacefully.

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