Chapter 8

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Meanwhile, Lottie found herself in her solitary cell, waiting to be taken away. She had managed to make various portraits of some people that she'd seen. She was getting tired of seeing the same scenery over and over again. She missed home, she missed her friends and freedom. Today, was when they would raise the power to seven, she was frightened and she didn't know if she would be able to endure this process much longer. Last time it had been a torment, but according to them, it was all just starting. They carried her to the room again, but before they left her alone in that wretched room, she managed to gather up all the courage she could muster and asked, trying to stop her voice from shaking, "why are you doing this to me?" The man simply laughed, a laugh that sent an unpleasant shiver down her spine and said "I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet, since you're so smart," he spat this last word as if it was venom in his mouth. "Anyway," he continued, his voice gravelly clam, "we are doing this because while we are at it, we're not only torturing you, we are also torturing your parents. Imagine what it must feel like for them, knowing that their daughter is in danger and pain and they're not able to do anything about it. It's the best way to accomplish the start of our mission, teaching the royal Maravish family a lesson on pain." These last words hit Lottie like a ton of bricks, the start? she thought, what will come next? Then he exited the room, his maniacal laughter resonating off the four pale walls, leaving her no room for more questions. Pain shot through her body, but this time, she couldn't stop herself from screaming. It was much worse, much worse than she had anticipated. The pain shot through her veins while tears trickled down her cheeks relentlessly. Luckily, it didn't last long as she was fragile and tired making it easy for her to collapse almost instantly. She needed to go home.


Saturday, the exact day in which Jamie was getting ready to leave with the king and the queens partizans. When they had come back to the palace and informed the king, he had immediately offered their partizans. They had to save Lottie, otherwise they would look weak and careless. It hadn't been easy for Jamie to convince Ellie to stop begging. There was absolutely no way Jamie would allow Ellie to go, yet, she didn't seem to give up on the thought. She did though, give up on the thought, when Jamie told her that if she went with them, they wouldn't be able to save Lottie, because even though it pained him, he always had to keep her safe. Ellie was very surprised when she heard Jamie say it pained him. He never revealed anything regarding his feelings, he always masked his emotions. Knowing him, she decided it was better she didn't say another word regarding the matter, it would just make him regret sharing anything with her. He could put Lottie first, as long as Ellie was safe. Even though Ellie was frustrated, with not getting her way, she decided she didn't want to waste any more of Jamie's time than what was actually necessary. Either way, she decided she wouldn't talk to anyone, or even leave her room until Lottie was brought back safe and sound.


Another day had passed and today they were increasing the power to eight. Lottie didn't know if her body was going to be able to persist much longer. Again, the story repeated itself, she was left alone in that grievous room. For some reason, instead of increasing slightly, like it had before it increased on a much bigger scale. They hadn't lied, the pain was just starting. The pain was so great she couldn't stop crying or screaming. High pitched shrieking pierced the air until she could no longer tolerate the pain, and so, she did what she had done every other day, she switched her mind off and plummeted into the never-ending black hole and was consumed by darkness.

A/N: Hello, thank you so much for the 100 reads, I know it might not seem like a lot but it just makes my day. So, how have you been enjoying the book so far? Please don't be a silent reader, vote and comment :)

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