Chapter 6

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Lottie sat in the corner of her cell. She could not see anything as the bathroom window was only illuminated by a starless sky. She stood up and went towards the window when the door of her cell banged open, startling her and making her jump back in fear.She saw the outline of a person walking towards her. She backed away until her back was pressed against the wall, her hands trembling in fear. Tears started to run down her cheeks. Her legs started to go wobble and she felt herself sinking down before the person picked her up, a familiar cinnamon smell invaded her senses and she suddenly felt safe. "It's okay" Jamie said as he carried her out, "I'm going to get you out of here." They started to run down the hallway when Jamie stopped. "What are you doing?" asked Lottie, "we have to get out of here." He suddenly crashed onto her. he wasn't moving. Something slid down her hand. She took one look at it and started screaming. Blood, Jamie's blood. Lottie looked for Jamie's pulse but she couldn't find any. "No, no, no Jamie don't leave me....please" she sobbed, tears streaming down her pale face. She suddenly heard a voice, "it's all your fault, it has and will always be your fault.

Lottie jerked awake, sitting on the bed, sweat beads tracing her forehead. She leaned back, it was all a dream, just a dream she thought. Lottie wasn't sleeping well; you could easily see the purple half-moons under her eyes. She was having horrible nightmares, which made sure she didn't want to close her eyes. She was getting skinnier and weaker from the lack of food. They only gave her a vegetable soup which Lottie was grateful for, since she preferred that to eating meat. She had to look at it from the bright point of view to keep her from losing her mind. Unfortunately, it barely filled her up and her body was craving more food. She thought that was all that was going to happen to her so she was fine, it was something she could deal with, but what she didn't know was that she wouldn't be able deal with what was coming next.

Two tall, wide-shouldered men barged into her cell and lifted her up from the floor were she had been sitting, back against the bed. They didn't say anything as they took her down the dreaded hallways. A single tear rolled down her cheek. She was afraid to ask where they were taking her, not sure if she wanted to know the answer or not. They stopped in front of a metal door while one twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. They had taken her to a thick-walled room which was practically empty except for a small two post machine. At least that's what she saw, she had no idea of what that actually was. It had a silver handcuff on each post. They dragged her towards the posts and placed her hands in the handcuffs, her mind racing with a thousand thoughts. She heard them say something about how they would start easy, at power one. She started hyperventilating. She didn't know what they meant, but she was dreading to find out. They left her in the room alone, one security camera in the center of the wall, right above the door. She was examining the room when her thoughts were cut off. It started. The machine sent light electric shots though her body. It was bearable, but it stung. In that instant, her thoughts went back to Ellie and Jamie, how happy she was that Jamie hadn't been captured and that everyone thought she was the princess meaning Ellie would never have to go through something like this in her life. Thinking about that made her day, it was the only reason she was coping with this with a smile on in her mind.

After that, the machine was just getting worse. They took Lottie to that room every single day of that week. She would always try to fight them but she had no strength and so they took her there again. She was terrified. Each day, they would drag her into the room and raise the power slightly, leaving her in pain until her body gave up, not being able to take it anymore. That's when she would faint, and they would stop. She didn't mind fainting, it was a nice break, a distraction which allowed her to get some sleep as well as the pain to stop. Every day, it was getting worse and all she was doing was getting weaker, making everything harder. At one point she started to wonder if she was ever going to get rescued. Maybe they just forgot about her or didn't really care. She immediately regretted having those thoughts. She knew they weren't true yet, she couldn't stop them from making their way into her mind every once in a while.

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