Chapter 15

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She retrieved the small, rectangular packet, as she placed it in her delicate hands. She pulled it back inside and gently placed it on the kitchen island, as she comfortably sat down on one of the kitchen's stools. She cautiously removed the string bow from the package. She internally debated whether she should wait for Jamie to open it or not. After all, it could be for him. She waited resignedly, but after a few minutes, curiosity got the better of her. Elie is really getting to me she thought with a fond smile. She gingerly slid the lid off her free hand tugging a strand of her hair. Her hair had grown a few centimeters ever since the incident with Ingrid and was debating whether she should cut it again or not. To her surprise, the first thing she found was a printed letter. She gently removed the letter from it's envelope and read it's contents faintly to herself.

"Hello Lottie, can you believe I miss you already?" So, it is for me she thought as she continued, "It's so lonely here without you. I can't wait for this to be over. I made a little something, try it and tell me if you like it, when you get out, I mean. Anyway, I would love to see you soon, XOXO." The last part of the letter caught Lottie slightly off guard, XOXO? Elie never wrote that, she always said it was too childish and only done in movies, what had changed her mind? She didn't dwell much more on it; it was just one small detail and she was eager to see what was inside. She lightly removed some shredded paper and to her bewilderment found a small bottle filled to the brim with a greenish liquid. It looks like a magic potion she thought enchanted by its glow. She attentively removed the cork red lid, and gradually brought the flask underneath her nose. It didn't have any particular scent, in fact, she doubted it had none at all. Weird she judged. She brought it deftly towards her full lips. She faithfully consumed the cold liquid, feeling it rush down her throat. She couldn't quite describe the taste, all that came to mind was that it tasted ...........familiar, strangely and inexplicably familiar. The thought swam around her mind for a few minutes, yet she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Her hand flew up to her head, as she massaged her temple, trying to prevent the upcoming headache. Darkness seeped in, edging closer through the corners of her eyes. "What was that?" she breathed inaudibly. She stood up; I need to talk to Jamie she thought desperately. She took a couple of unbalanced steps, when she swiftly fell to her knees. Something is very wrong she concluded to herself. She sat on the distant floor, resting her head against the adamant wall, loosing herself in a train of isolated thoughts. Her thoughts were hasty and muddled, flashing right through her grasp. They whizzed by uncontrollably, settling down on an adjacent one,

""Drink this" he said, placing a glass filled with a green-ish liquid in front of her. "No," she growled to which Haru responded with a laugh. "I'm in charge here princess," he said, an eerie calm to his voice that sent a shiver down her spine. He took a knife out of his pocket and held it to her throat, "now drink." Seeing as she had no option she drank. It left a strange burning aftertaste which didn't last long as she slowly drifted to sleep. She thought she'd heard him say, soon you'll be much more obedient but, she was too tired to process it completely."

She stood up, frantically searching through the box for answers. Hidden underneath a large piece of cardboard, she found a small letter, written in neat calligraphy;

Dear Princess,

The fact that you have found this letter probably means that you have fallen for our little trap, why search it otherwise? It seems you are not as conscientious as we thought, you are far too trusting. We just think you should know what you actually drank, the second dose and final of the Hamelin formula.

Good Luck,


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