
"Hey. I'm Liam. Liam Payne. I live in the next door apartment. I just saw you had a few boxes outside and I thought to offer some help."

Susan gets up from the couch, smiling, "Oh, no, sweetheart, we are fine. But you can stay for coffee if you want. It would be nice to get to know the neighbors of our boys."

"Of course, let me just bring these in." He says kindly and picks up the three remaining boxes to place them in the living room. Niall is looking at him like he is going to faint and Louis smirks. He is so going to tease him when they are alone.

"Thank you, Liam." Josh says.

Minutes later, almost everything is in place and all of them are in the living room, coffee and tea mugs on the table. They find out that Liam is 32, he is an attorney and he is also teaching microeconomics and formal logic in college, which means he is going to be Niall's professor and Louis is going to explode if their parents don't go away soon. He wants to tease Niall like there is no tomorrow. The blonde boy just sits on the armchair, blushing like a mad man, while Will and Josh keep talking with Liam and telling him that it would be nice if he could help by tutoring Niall.

Thankfully, Liam doesn't seem uncomfortable and Louis or Susan don't need to come to his rescue.

It was around 8 in the evening when Susan announced they had to go. "I think it's time for us to go, boys. We don't want to go home late. Zoe has school tomorrow after all."

"Liam, it was really nice to meet you." Will says and Louis mouths 'father in law' to Niall, laughing when the boy blushes once again.

"It was a pleasure, Will." They shake hands, same with Josh and Susan. They all say their goodbyes and moments later they are all out of the door, which leaves Niall and Louis alone. Louis is already jumping on top of Niall on the armchair before the boy can move to disappear in his room.

"IS MY LITTLE NIALL IN LOVE?" He screams and Niall reaches with his hands to close his mouth, his eyes widened.

"Would you, please, shut the fuck up? He is right next door he could have heard you, you know."

Louis shrugs, smiling. "So what?"

"Louis." Niall warns him.

"Okay, okay. But you can admit that you liked him. I mean, he is handsome."

Niall blushes and looks down on his lap, fidgeting with his fingers. "Maybe." He says, his voice just above a whisper.

"I fucking knew it."

"God, Louis. He is 32. He is too hot for me. There is no way anything can happen between me and him. He is my professor for fuck's shake."

"First of all, age is just a number. And what the fuck do you mean his too hot for you?" Louis facepalms. "Niall, you're beautiful as well. I'm sure he is going to notice that soon, if he hasn't already."

"Can you stop talking about him and getting my hopes up, please? I preferred it when you were bitching about living alone." Niall says, still red as a tomato and pushes Louis from the armchair, the smaller boy falling on his butt, groaning.

"I think I quite like it here after all." Louis admits and winks at Niall, earning a pillow on his face a second later.

Niall's classes begin the next morning and Louis has a free week before his own start. He wakes up first and searches for recipees on his phone to make breakfast. He decides that, if he is indeed going to live without his parents, he might as well learn how to cook. He goes for pancakes with maple syrup and even makes Niall a sandwich to take with him. He sets the table and calls Niall, because he is too bored to walk to his room to wake him up. Soon enough, a sleepy Niall appears and his eyes light up at the sight of breakfast.

Neighbors • Larry & Niam (One Shot)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora