I'll Make You Warm (Percy Jackson X FemReader!)

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I was comfortably laying in my bed, tucked under layers and layers of blankets. My arms were wrapped around a very cold son of Poseidon. His arms were around my waist and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. 

It was funny to me however. It was October, and it wasn't even that cold outside, but Percy had insisted that he sleep with me tonight. Lucky for me, I was the daughter of Hades, which means I had the cabin all to myself. Nico of course would occasionally stop by, but for the most part, I didn't have to worry about sharing a bathroom with multiple different people. 

I was dreaming peacefully about my favorite character from my favorite T.V show before hearing a soft whisper.

"Y/N," Percy called out quietly. I was more startled as I could feel his lips moving against my neck as he spoke. "Can we go for a swim?"

"What?" I groaned. "It's literally the middle of the night. Besides, isn't it too cold for you right now?"

"I won't be cold in the water, no matter what temperature it is," Percy replied, a hint of pride in his voice. 

"But it'll be too cold for me," I said little upset that he had ripped me from my dream. "It's also to late. The harpies will 100% eat us alive."

"Please?" Percy begged. I away from him and sat up, the mess on my head fully exposed. I heard Percy laugh behind me. "If it's the harpies you're worried about, I can protect you. And I can make the water nicer for you once were in. You'll only be cold for a second."  

"Ugh, fine. Just let me brush my teeth and get this thing on my head fixed," I said, giving in. 

With that, Percy waited for me while I got dressed into my one piece swim suit. After getting my teeth and hair brushed, I came out of the bathroom holding two towels. 

"Why do you have two towels? Did you forget I can dry myself?" Percy asked, standing by the doorway. 

"No, I have two because when I'm out of the water, I'm 100% going to freeze," I said, wrapping both around my body. I could already feel goosebumps rising on my legs and arms. I know I said it wasn't very cold earlier, but that was because I was wrapped in layers on blankets and wearing a hoodie. Now, I'm in a bathing suit. "We better hurry. How do you plan on going past the harpies?"

"We'll just sneak around the back of the cabins till we get to mine. I have a deck that goes to the rest of the ocean," Percy replied, grabbing my hand and smiling brightly. Despite being cold and being a little upset he had woken me for this, I couldn't help but smile back. His excitement was too cute. "Alright, let's go."

We both slowly and quietly left the Hades cabin, making our way behind the building. We snuck past numerous cabins, occasionally stopping when we heard a screech from any of the harpies. Some would fly by every once in a while, making us both stop dead in our tracks, afraid they'd catch us. Finally, we snuck into the Poseidon cabin, taking a breath of relief. 

"I'm so happy we didn't die," I breathed, laughing slightly. He laughed with me. "Okay, so you can warm me up in the water right?"

"Yes, of course," Percy replied. "We'll need to do one thing though."


"You need to kiss me," Percy responded, a smug smile on his face. 

"I'm sure you don't just to keep me warm," I said. "If you wanted a kiss, all you would have to do is ask, Perce. You are my boyfriend, no need to try and make up excuses." 

"Oh yeah," he said, looking down, looking almost as if he had just realized he asked me to be his girlfriend over six months ago.

I giggled and grabbed his hand. "C'mon, let's go." 

He smiled and together, we walked out onto the deck. Percy let go of my hand, removing his shirt then diving in first. I sat at the edge, removing my towels. I dipped my toes in and I could feel the cold water piercing my skin. I hissed and pulled my feet out as quickly as possible. Percy rose from the water. He laid on his back, floating atop the water. 

"Ah, this feels so nice," he smiled, staring up at the stars. After having a quick moment to himself to enjoy the water and the nice view, he swam towards me. "Ready to come in? Remember what you have to do?"

I chuckled nervously. "I don't know, the water is really cold."

"You'll only be cold for a second, don't worry," Percy reassured. "I'll get you warm again."

I looked at Percy's eyes. They seemed like a more grass green that sea green because of how dark it was. But one thing I couldn't miss was the love and care in them. I smiled and nodded. He took both of my hands. I shivered at his touch. Even his hands were cold. He then pulled me in. I nearly shrieked because of how freaking cold it was, but I stopped myself. 

"We have to go under, okay?" Percy asked. I held onto him tightly, trying to take in any warmth from him. 

Together we went under the water. I could hardy feel my cheeks before, suddenly, I felt the cold water spread warmly onto my body. My eyes were open, but it didn't hurt like it usually does in salt water. I could see almost clearly. The water was still foggy, but anything up close was easy to make out. I pulled away from Percy slightly. He was looking at me, one hand under my chin. A small smile played at his lips.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks, but I don't think that's because of the water temperature anymore. He brought his hand to my right cheek and slowly closed the space between us, connecting his lips with mine. I felt hot all around. 

He was right. Kissing did make things warmer. 

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