Chapter Twenty-Eight - Mari

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Being crammed into a van really sucked.

It was ironically fitting, Mari thought, for her to be claustrophobic. After sitting in a box for so long, anyone would be.

The compromise ended up being that she would hold onto puppet-shark the whole time. She wouldn't tell him his name, it was not her place. That privilege belonged to another.

It spoke, startling her out of her thoughts. The van should arrive at the new convention soon. Smart thinking, Goldie. I never would have known there was a moving van coming today.

She shrugged. You lose all other abilities for a while, you learn to listen really well.

Vee tapped him. What's the plan? You know, for when we get there?

It smiled. It's simple. We sneak in under cover of darkness. That woman should just be leaving as we arrive. If I'm correct, she will leave that control remote on the desk. All we need to do is get rid of that thing, get the girls to safety, and leave.

Mari shook her head sadly. And what after that? We just keep running forever?

We'll get to that when we get there. Now remember, if this goes south, I have a foolproof backup plan, so don't worry.

Tonight, we set them free.

Mari exhaled.

The plan didn't sound bad, but it could go so very wrong very easily. But if he had a backup, it should be fine.


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Hey guys, quick author's note here. 

First of all, the story's almost done. Yay! Secondly, I don't like this chapter. It's really only here to do two things. To inform you on the plan he has, and to be filler. Third, again, I'm sorry for how short these get. If you wanted a really long story, this is not the place to be. I write a lot of short chapters as opposed to a small amount of long chapters. 

Fourth, I want to thank you for OVER 5,000 VIEWS. That is literally insane. When I started writing this, I expected maybe 1,000. Total. Once I was DONE with the story. But apparently, you guys like this sub-par fanfiction I write. 

The end is near, readers. Only two more chapters to go, expect them soon.  Thanks for sticking with me. 

- The Author

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