Author's Note

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Hey there. It's me, the author. 

I'd like to tell you guys some stuff. 

First, I'm kinda stuck in a rut here writing. I had planned for this to have about thirty parts, but the chapters keep getting shorter, and I don't know if you guys are okay with that. 

Second, I was going to release part two all at once, like I did with part one. But considering how writing part two is going, I think I'm going to do chapter-by-chapter updates. Which should be faster, I don't know. 

Third, in reading this book, you have a choice. You can choose to read until here, not care about the deeper lore, and accept that the story ended happily. Or. You can stick with me on this journey. The writing might get a little worse, or it might get better. You might not like where I took the story. But it's a coin flip. You can be satisficed with what you have, or you can take a risk, flip that coin, and dive down with me into the twisted web of emotion that I call my imagination. The choice is yours. 

And last, thanks for actually reading this. That people actually have seen my work inspires me every day to try a little harder to get it finished for you. On that note, have chapter sixteen. (Edit: Actually, have sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen.)


- The Author

Update: Actually, have three more. I have up to twenty-seven drafted, so expect those soon! 

(OLD) The events of the convention, Volume OneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz