Sky Full Of Stars

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Hey mum. It's me, Brianna.

See those sky-blue Forget- me-nots? George picked them out for you.

"Beautiful flowers for beautiful mama." Those were his exact words.

It's all so wrong, staring at the cold stone. What I would give to be greeted with your warm eyes, to feel the soft weight of you holding me tight.

What any of us would give to be back safe in your arms.

Speckles of light twinkle, illuminating an endless midnight canvas. Stars you sent to protect us, fragments of your soul to watch over us.

Images flash in my mind. Figures gathered around the hospital bed, voices echoing over and over again.

"She's not going to make it. She's not going to make it."

My eyes squeezed shut, shaking hands cradling your frail body.

I miss you mum. More than I'd ever care to admit to anyone. Your smile was the day to my night – the one thing that's kept me going for the past eighteen years.

A sky full of stars.

George started year 4 today. I'll bring him later so he can tell you all about it.

Things were different in the playground when I dropped him off. Hushed voices, averting looks.

I saw your long hair billowing in the wind. How it used to be before you got ill. Thick ginger curls cascading all down your back.

And I know that it wasn't real. I know you are gone.

But there was comfort there. A feeling of belonging that I haven't felt in a long time.

A clock chimes 4 times.

I get to my feet, kissing my fingers and placing them on my mother's grave.

Time to say goodbye.  

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