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"I, jeon jungkook, take thee, kim taehyung, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death tear us apart."

"and i, kim taehyung, take thee, jeon jungkook, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death tear us apart."

"you may kiss the bride- husband :)"

jungkook chuckled and stepped forward to get a grip on taehyung's waist.

when his tears were threatening to fall from his eyes taehyung was already shedding waterfalls.

"hey don't cry baby" jungkook softly mumbled, one hand holding his now husband's waist and the other hand caressing his cheek softly, wiping away the tears who just wouldn't stop falling.

taehyung stared deeply into the latter's eyes, his hand traveling to the back of jungkook's neck pulling him closer is that was even possible.

jungkook smiled widley and finally let a tear slip out.

and they kissed.

sparks were all over the sky, flowers blooming around everywhere. they felt like there was no one around them. they were in their own world and no one could've interrupted them.

when they broke off the kiss jungkook couldn't help but stare in his newly wedded husband's eyes, letting a soft smile take over his face.

"i love you so much" taehyung whispered which came out a little unclear due to how much he is sobbing yet jungkook managed to catch up.

the ravenet smiled widley and chuckled.

"i love you more baby"



THIS IS THE FUCKING END CAN U BELIEVE THIS?!  i'm so sad yet excited.

i've gone through so much with this book and now i get to finally call it completed.

thank you, to each and everyone of you, who helped me promote this story, voted, commented and just read.

i love you all so much, thank you for everything it really means a lot !!

plz check out my other books which i'll be updating soon and stay tuned for more updates on my other books.

ily sm and stay safe guys, goodbye <3

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