14 장

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"HEY V!"

V turned around to be met with a drunk Hoseok...?


Hoseok smiled as he stumbled his way towards V, who was utterly confused.

"V~~~ baby~~~"

"what Hobi... are you drunk?"

"me? drunk? pfft"

and then Hoseok busted in laughter, almost tripping due to equilibrium and his drunk state.

V immediately rushed over to him, helping him walk to the bench V was sitting on previously.

"sit here... umm" V said, not knowing what to do since he never once seen his friends drunk nor he got drunk so he didn't really know how to handle Hoseok right now so the first thought that popped to his head was....

"WATER!" V yelled while pulling out his water bottle from his bag.

he handed the bottle to Hoseok who only stared at him in pure confusion.

"why are you looking at me like that drink the water!" V scolded him and Hoseok looked down with puppy eyes, lightly sobbing.

"i-i'm sorry" Hoseok sobbed out and suddenly started crying, surprisingV by the sudden change of mood.

"oh.. OH wait no i-it's okay? d-don't cry Hobi i'm not mad it's okay!" V said in a rush, creating small circles on his back, trying to sooth him.

"i-i love you..." Hobi hissed.

"what did you say..?" V looked at him in confusion.

"i said... i said..." Hobi whispered when all of a sudden he stood up, taking V by surprise.

Hobi took V's hands in his and looked at him in the eyes. he started crying again.

"Hobi w-why are you crying... d-did i do anything?"

"i said..."

Hoseok took a deep breath and closed his eyes, he needed to breath. he felt confused. he felt anxious. he felt like throwing up.

he knew he should've stopped drinking after the first shot but he just couldn't stop. it became from one shot to two and then three and then four and at the end the beast drank 10 strong shots. he himself is surprised he can still stand.

"I SAID I LOVE YOU!" he finally yelled out, squeezing V's hands hard, causing V's hands to go red.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT?! I SAID I LOVE YOU! i.. i said i love you"

"Hobi don't say nonsense your'e drunk!"

"but.. i'm saying the truth! I'M TELLING THE TRUTH!"

"Hobi stop yelling people are looking" at this point V was starting to tear up himself.

"i don't care about other people! i care about you!" Hobi cried out.

"Hobi please your'e drunk you don;t know what your'e talking about... your'e just drunk and horny please don't say anything you'll regret later!"

"i'm not that nor that! i love you V i love you so much! ever since i first saw you! you caught my eyes. and now look at you... i want you all for myself... please except my feelings!" Hobi pleaded and got on his knees.

V gasped in shook.

"Hoseok what are you doing?! stand up! this embarrassing! you're embarrassing yourself!" V said, looking around, giving apologetic look to the passengers who were walking by, eyeing the scene infront of them weirdly.

"stop that Hoseok... i beg you stand up please!" V pleaded and practically begged but Hoseok only shook his head no.

it was already getting late and V wanted to go home.

'Hobi can't like me that's not possible we're...we're friends for fuck's sake!' V thought.

suddenly Hoseok got up and looked at V in the eyes.

they just stared in each other's eyes for about a minute, but to V it felt like an hour.

then Hoseok started to lean closer to V.

"d-do you think there's a possibility you will ever... like me back?" he whispered, letting his lips slightly touch V's ear, sending shivers down V's spine.

"i... Hoseok you're my friend! i like you... but not in a romantic way... i'm sorry..." V said and looked down but immediately shot his head up when he heard Hoseok huff.

"wha-" V started to speak but Hobi cut him with his index finger on V's plump lips.

"fine then!" a smirk made it's way to Hoseok's face, "if you don't like me in your own will..."

"i'll make you like me in my will"


a quick update because i'm stock in my house hiding from the coronavirus lolol and it's like sooooooo boringggggggg

anyways, hope you liked the chapter and as i said i added some vhope hope you're fine and don't worry Hobi isn't a bad character he's just drunk af! and vhope won't last long don't worry about that too! ly guys have good life!

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