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Hi all,

Welcome to my new story. Just a few things to go through if you can bothered to read.

First and most importantly this is a boyxboy romance so if that is not your thing then kindly disappear.

Secondly, this is a slow burn romance, so don't expect anything to happen quickly.  Oh and they are 16 so smut seekers may be disappointed.

Thirdly, and lastly, please please please no hate for my two main characters.  They are young and make mistakes and you will see them develop and grow throughout the story.  By all means, call them out and tell them they are being stupid, but no hateful comments please.

Oooo, that felt like a lot of nagging.

Good things now.

I hope you enjoy this story.  Honestly, it was a pleasure to write and actually probably the easiest to write.  I love my boys and hope you will too.  As they often do, my characters took on a life of their own and constantly surprised me with what they said and did, and just how much they developed and grew emotionally throughout the story!  

Those of you who have read my previous stories will know just how much I love comments, and love to share the journey with you.  So please comment and I will do my best to reply to as many as possible.

I've started by uploading 6 chapters, and then I'll update a chapter a day.  It's more or less all written, so as always I can guarantee you a completed story. But for those reading as I upload, please do comment as sometimes I make small changes based on your reactions and responses.

So, boring Author's Note now over with, so let's get on with it.

Welcome to Indifference......

Jinglebean x

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