34. Don't Say it, Sing it!

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A/N - It goes without saying (but I thought I'd say it anyway) that all the song lyrics in this chapter are not my own but are taken from well known songs. Lets see if you can name them all!! 


The bell rang for lunch and so I packed up my things and headed towards the music room where I was supposed to be meeting Alicia to try out some songs for the concert.

When I'd offered to step in, I only had one thing on my mind - to help Elijah. I knew that he was supposed to play at the concert and I didn't want him stressing out because he felt like he'd let them down, so I quickly suggested that I could play something. This had been quickly jumped on by the new school council (many of whom were already part of the concert) to promote our new Anti-bullying campaign.

So somehow, I had gone from offering to play, to being responsible for picking and playing a song with Alicia that would be the theme song behind the whole campaign.

That kind of pressure should have been playing on my mind, but to be honest there wasn't any room in there for it. Because all I seemed to be able to think about, day and night, was Elijah.

Elijah, Elijah, Elijah.

And I never got bored of thinking about him. It was like a drug, and I was happily addicted.

I couldn't wait for him to come back to school on Monday.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Alicia asked as she fell into step with me, heading to the music room.

"Just got a good grade for my Science test," I lied. Not about getting a good grade, but it's just that wasn't what was making me happy.

"Good for you!" she said enthusiastically, as we walked into the deserted music room.

Alicia threw down her bag and immediately went over to the piano. I glanced round the room and saw a guitar sitting on a stand in the corner so I went over and picked it up before perching on a table and tuning it up.

"Right, so do you have any ideas?" Alicia asked.

"Errrrmmm.........Nope!" I said, popping the 'p'.

"Great," she said with an eye roll.

She was silent for a moment before saying, "How about Katy Perry's Roar?"

I raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"What? It's a great song!" she said.

"Maybe, but that doesn't mean I want to play it!" I shot back.

"Neither do I, but we've got to do something. You suggest something."

I thought for a while then said, "What about Mad World?"

Alicia snorted. "A bit depressing don't you think?"

I shrugged.

"How about Wings by Little Mix?" Alicia suggested.

I thought about it. "Isn't there a swear word in like the first verse?"

"And?" Alicia said with a grin.

I laughed. "I told Elijah you'd make sure it was something that wouldn't get us in trouble! How about some Metallica," I said straight faced.

"I can't decide if you're serious or not!" Alicia said, looking horrified.

I laughed, then flopped down so I was lying on the table, staring at the ceiling.

"Why did we leave this so late again?" I asked. "It'll probably take us until the concert just to decide on a piece."

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