"Did you kiss yet?"


"So you're dating him!" She exclaims, and I hesitate a little before shaking my head.


"Wait, what?" Her mouth twists into a confused frown. "I thought you would be, for a hundred percent. I heard him calling you Noona, Amin. Noona."

"And he always looks at you this way, when you're not looking at him."

I breathe, my pulse getting a little faster.

"We're close."

"Close, huh." She blinks, and I pause. "So is it like a big close or a small close? Oh wait— you've kissed him. Never mind, it's a big close."

My fingertips turn warmer. Then I remember Shilla, and Jungkook. Did she have any idea yet? That he found interest in her?

"Shilla, what about your leader?"

"Leader?" She asks, and I motion back at the way we'd just come from. I'm trying to hide the curve of my lips.

"Jeon Jungkook. He cares about you."

"Him?" She says incredulously. But I don't miss the slight blush in her cheeks, when she whips around to face me.

"Amin, he hates me. You just saw!"

So she has no idea.

I laugh— because it's just so like her. She'd never been the one to catch onto things quick, with me always reminding her and telling what to do.


"Now you're just being vague." She crosses her arms, blinking. "How do you know that he—"

Then she suddenly whips around.


Her eyes are intense, fixed onto the corner of the street we'd just come from. And she stares for a long second, before turning back again.

"Sorry. I thought...I thought I heard something, that's all."

I raise an eyebrow, my eyes flickering to where she'd been looking at. Nothing's there, but my expression still creases to a frown.

I turn to Shilla.

"Are you coming over?"

"I can't." She sighs, handing me her phone. When I look confused, she bends to fix her shoes. "I have to finish some work. Don't you think it's so stupid?"

She grumbles. "Apparently bodyguards need to study too."

I smile. "Of course. Just because you're a guard doesn't mean you do physical things all the time."

Then I tap at the jacket she's wearing, still holding her phone for her.

"This isn't yours."

Shilla freezes. Then she looks down at the dark, oversized jacket around her shoulders, expression completely blanked out.

"I— I didn't even realize. What in the world? Whose is this?"

Jungkook's, probably.

And when I tell her that, she curses loudly and starts to run back the way we'd come. She waves at me to go first, and I pass her phone right before she forgets.

"Thanks Amin! I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Her figure soon disappears down the street, towards Taehyung's apartment again.

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