Chapter 7 - Dimension 2 (1/3) <the reason>

Start from the beginning

Jingper:" No I'm not."

"OK so my question  is... What did you meant by bring back your memories, how did you turn into a zombie, where will you go after you turn into a human, who set this up, is there a reason why this game happen, is there a back story of that flower, the flower won't hurt us humans right, if the flower can turn you back into a human and only you zombies know where to plant it why didn't you do it by yourselves, actually will we be dead or we will turn into a zombie if we ran out of lives?"

Jin: " She meant tell us everything."

Jingper:" I only asked one question, see there's only one question mark :D"

Zombie: " o-O"

Zombie's brain : " this girl is another species o-O"

Zombie: " [zombie language] "

Translator:" Ok... uhhh let me think where to start ha..ha...."

Zombie: " [zombie language] "

Translator:"So, I heard we became a zombie because we hated a K-pop group, and there was a game that only the people that hates that K-pop group buy."

Jingper:" A K-pop group? Do you remember the name of the K-pop group?"

Zombie: " [zombie language] "

Translator:"No, sadly, we forgotten every single thing after we became a zombie."

Jingper:" There's no survivors here?"

Zombie: " [zombie language] "

Translator:"No, not at all, cause everyone that came with their friends betrayed their friends, and those who came alone did not stand a chance to us."

Zombie: " [zombie language] "

Translator:" But you guys are different, there's a  different aura in you guys, which makes me wonder did you guys not came from the video game......."


"Why are you hiding the fact that we are not from the video game?" whispered by Jin to Jingper. 

"Because I'm afraid they might ATTACK us knowing that we are NOT from the video game!!" Jingper whispered back.

Zombie: " [zombie language] "

Translator:" Ohw ya, as I was saying........"

Zombie: " [zombie language] "

Translator:"We can't plant the flower by ourselves because we will turn into stone if we ever touch the flower."

Jingper:" Ok, now that we know everything, let's help you guys turn back into humans again."

You grabbed the flower and the zombie is leading the way to the secret tree.

A few minutes later, you've arrived to where the secret tree is hidden, which is behind a wall made out of bushes.

Jingper:" Um... how do we get through?"

Zombie: "&^)(*&^%!$%^%!#%!$%$#1???!%!$&!*%!#$%!?!%!$%!"

Translator:" *translate error* *translate error* "

You and the others looked at each other noticing that the translator did not translate what the zombie said. 

*Bush noise*

 And just like that the bushes spilt apart, leading to an opened path way to the secret tree. You slowly walk down the pathway just in case if it's a trap to the tree and planted down the flower. OUT OF THE BLUE, a icy blue light shine across the tree and around all the zombies.

And the next thing you know, every zombie became a human and the filthy area where the zombies attacked you and the others turned into a spotless city.

Every zombie that followed you and the others to see you plant down the flower came out from their hiding place. Every zombie started to recover their memory and...sobs... you heard sobs from the zombies, every zombie that was near you and the Bangtan boys cried and sob.

" It's okay, you're back alive now everything is fine now." said by you, Jingper, in a comforting tone.

"My name is Jasper" said by the zombie that leaded you to the flower and the tree.

Jasper:" And I'm not crying because I'm alive again."

Jingper:" Wait wait wait what did you just forking say."

You stared to back up thinking why are they crying if it's not because they are alive again.

Jasper:" It's because of you and your friends"

" Wait wait, what? It's because we helped you guys even tho you attacked us r-right?" you said in a shaky voice, hoping that you're right.

Jasper:" No"

You startled in shock, thinking are you in danger? Should you make a run now?

Jasper:" It's because........."

Your heart start beating faster and faster, hoping that everything is gonna be okay.

Jasper:" It's because, you and your friends, the Bangtan Boys, you guys were the ones we hated, we hated your relationship, we hated your music, hated your face, hated everything about you all, we even hated you just to get attention, but... you guys are the ones that saved us, you guys helped us even tho we hurted you and made you risk your lives."

Jasper started to cry harder and meanwhile you're getting pissed off about how he made it seems like you're in freaking danger WHILE U R NOT and made you worried the shit out of you, but at the same time you were relieved that he learnt that he shouldn't just hate people for attention.

Jingper:" You're welcome, just remember, we will help you even if you hate us, even if you hurt us because we know that one day you'll see the good in us."


Namjoon:" It's okay, it's all in the past now, you can still support us..."

A bright light shine before your eyes, and the next thing you know , you are in another room.......

for the readers that are an Army:

the zombies represents BTS haters, and yes BTS did made a song for the haters, RiGHt??? :) 

 n no BTS did not went and hurt the haters nor argue with them and I'm pretty sure a lot of haters somehow saw the good in BTS and started to like them :)

and don't forget Jingper represents Army

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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