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As they were relaxing and having fun one of the birds started squawking and pointing.

And they look that ways and gasps.

"Storm guards! Looks like they found you" captain Celaeno says.

"Tempest" twilight says.

"Secure the rigging! Lock down the cargo!" Captain Celaeno says "everyone get down below and prepare to be boarded!"

They then go down and hide.

"You think she saw my Sonic Rainboom?" Rainbow Dash asks.

"Are you kidding me" Twilight says being angry.

They stayed quiet and watched the whole thing that was going on above and twilight got an idea and stoarting working on a plan to get off this ship before something happens.

And Tempest started counting and if they didn't hand them over the ship would sink with them on it.

"Hold this" twilight says handing something over to rainbow dash.

"What are you doing?" Rainbow asks.

But she didn't answer and then pulled a lever and they all fell down a trap door and scream.

"OH, FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE" Rarity yells as she falls.

As they fell Rarity and Cynthia saw a mirror and checked themself and applejack rolled her eyes at this.

Twilight then got the stuff and all her friends and put them all in a crate and used her magic to use the giant blanket to make a balloon and they floated away from the ship.

Rainbow dash then pushed it to get them to Mount Aris faster.

And Tempest was not happy about them Betraying them and she destroyed the ship.

When they got there they had to go all the way up to the mountain and Rarity was complaining.

But they eventually made it and they were happy until they saw the place and it was in ruins and abandoned and it was like a ghost town there.

They were about the lose hope, but then they heard something and they followed it and it led them to someone singing.

They then saw a light and singing was coming from the light.

But then it heard something and dived into the water.

Pinkie didn't think and jumped right in and they went after, but she came back up.

"She gone" pinkie say.

Just then the water started swirling like a Whirlpool and they started getting pushed down.

"I hate epic adventures" Rarity says.

"So do I" Cynthia says "my poor hair"

They then get sucked underwater.

They tried to hold their breath but they couldn't hold it forever and they started blacking out.

But just then they open their eyes and they could breath and they had bubbles on their heads to help them breath.

"Way to leave it till the last minute, twilight" Ann says.

"I didn't make these bubbles" twilight says.

"Then who did?" Teeder asks.

Just then a light showed up.

"Hello, we're looking for the hippogriffs" twilight says.

Dan Meets Young Kali and the gang and goes to Equestria ✅ Where stories live. Discover now