Chapter 10.

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Y/n POV:

We had been walking in silence and snow for so long that we were almost in Glacier Pass.

"We shouldn't have left him." I said quietly as I stared at the ground.

"There was nothing else we could have done to him." Manny said. Then I felt a hand on my back and looked to my left and saw Sid looking at me. However, I soon looked back to the ground.

"We're here." Manny said and we had reached our destination. Glacier Pass.

"Where are the humans?" I asked because we didn't see the humans anywhere.

"Were we late?" Sid asked.

"No, they're over there." Manny said and we walked up the mountain. We saw the humans but one of them was left behind and he dropped something on the ground. For our part, we walked closer to him, Manny in front of us and I was behind.

The man was walking away until he stopped and turned to us. He looked at Manny in wonder and then raised his weapon uncertainly. When Manny set out to reach for the baby with his trunk, the man raised his weapon but was now sure what he was doing.

Manny, for his part, stopped his intentions and grabbed the man's weapon. The man went to pull his weapon away from Manny and then I heard humans' dogs growl, not very far from here.

Then Manny got the weapon away from the man and Manny reached for the baby with his trunk. Then we saw other humans running with their dogs towards us.

When the man saw the baby he gasped. He then ran a couple of steps back and stopped the other humans. Sid, in turn, fainted and fell to the ground in front of me.

Manny lowered the baby to the ground and the baby went for a walk to his father. The man hugged his baby and kept him close. They looked at each other and were happy. At this point, Sid regained consciousness and woke up.

Then the three of us shared our looks and Manny and Sid smiled. Then we were turning until the baby's voice stopped us. The baby reached out to us and the man lowered him to the ground. Then the baby went for a walk towards us and Sid lifted him up from the ground and hugged him tightly. Then Sid lowered the baby to the ground and I nuzzled my face against his face and he hugged me.

"Don't forget about us, okay?" Sid said to the baby and then Manny took him and gave him a hug with his trunk.

"We won't forget about you." Manny said and the baby hugged him.

Then Manny handed the baby back to the man and then the man looked at the ground and lifted the necklace from there. He put it on Manny's incisors as a thank you. I saw how Manny and the man looked at each other and how both of them eyes filled with tears. Then the man went for a walk back to his own pack and they went for a walk away.

"Bye. Good bye. Good bye." Sid said and started crying and waving his hand at the baby.

"Sid." Manny said but Sid continued.

"Bye. Bye." Sid continued. Then we saw how the baby put his hand over his eyes and made the same peekaboo as Diego did for him.

"Ah, That's right! Where's the baby?" Sid said and did the same peek at the baby. This made me sad but I just have to learn to live without him. I can't get him back.

"Come on Sid, Y/n. Let's head south." Manny said and Sid in turn put his other hand on my back and started crying on my shoulder. And when I said he was crying, he was crying so many tears that my fur got wet.

"Please Sid, save Y/n from freezing and stop watering her fur." The voice said and... It can't be... it's-!

"Diego? You're okay!" Sid said happily and ran to Diego.

"Nine lives, baby!" Diego said and Sid in turn ran to hug him and this caused them to fall into the snow and spin around.

"Yeah! You're okay! You're okay!" Sid said and began to rub his hand on Diego's forehead and punched him excitedly in the shoulder and this made Diego yell in pain.

"Ah! I could kiss you! Mm-" Sid started and was kissing Diego on his forehead but interrupted because he remembered that I was here.

"But I think that someone else would want to do that." Sid said with a smirk on his face and moved out of the way. Diego looked me in the eye and smiled. For my part, I was almost crying for happiness, but because I had cried so much enough I thought it would be best not to cry.

"Diego?" I said quietly and went closer to him.

"It's nice to see you too, kitty." Diego said with a smirk on his face.

"Well, welcome back, partner. Want a lift?" Manny asked.

"I-" Diego started but I walked past him and kissed his cheek.

"I'm walking!" Diego said behind me quickly and I heard how he was jumping for joy. For my part, I laughed a little.

"I'll take that lift." Sid said.

"Yeah, climb aboard." Manny said.

"Pick me up, Buddy. Yee- ha! Mush!... Or not mush. Either way." Sid shouted and the boys went for a walk after me. Diego, in turn, ran over me and came next to me. Then he pressed his face to my neck and smiled like a little puppy in snow.

"This is gonna be the best Migration ever! I'll tell you, I'll show you all my favorite watering holes. And I turn brown when the fungus in my fur dries out." Sid said excitedly as we walked.

"Yeah, sounds very attractive." Manny said sarcastically.

"You know, this whole Ice Age thing's getting old. You know what I could go for? Global warming." Sid kept explaining and Manny just sighed and I laughed.

"Keep dreaming." Diego said.

"No, really!" Sid said back and we continued our journey.

Needless to say, we are indeed the weirdest herd in the world, but still the best of all!

~ The End ~

Or is it?

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