Chapter 8.

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Y/n POV:

Once we got out of the cave everything was fine again so far. We were now on the same rock from which snow dripped in front of the cave mouth.

"Well, would you look at that. The Tiger and Y/n actually did it. There's Half Peak. Next stop, Glacier Pass." Manny said as we walked.

"How could I ever have doubted you." Manny continued and looked at Diego.

"Did you hear that, little fella? You're almost home." Sid said to the baby and the baby started making happy little noises.

As the rest of us continued walking, Sid stopped and was left behind. What happened to him?

"My feet are sweating." Sid told us all.

"Do we have to get a news flash every time your body does something?" Diego asked as the rest of us continued on our journey and Sid still was behind us.

"He's doing it for attention. Just ignore him." Manny answered Diego and I also left behind them. Then I too felt my feet start to warm up.

"Seriously. My feet are really hot. Ow. Ow." Sid said and ran to me.

"Guys, Sid is right, I feel it too." I said and Sid and I ran to the others. Then we heard a rumble and it was heard just below us. Oh no...

Then both Diego and Manny stopped and me and Sid ran next to them.

"Tell me that was your stomach." Manny said and looked at us.

"Shh!" Diego said and we started listening, the rumble continued.

"I'm sure it was just Thunder... From underground?" Sid said and suddenly something exploded behind us and orange hot steam started coming from behind us. I turned to look and saw fire.

"Run!" Sid and Manny shouted and we all started running forward. As we ran, we noticed that the ice began to crack more and more until we saw a lava sea flowing beneath us. We were on an icy bridge and Manny, baby and Sid ran in front of me and Diego. Just as I was after them, I noticed that a block of ice was dropping down so that it blocked me and Diego on the other side of the bridge.

"Diego?" I asked and I was scared.

"Y/n you have to jump! Now!" Diego shouted behind me.

"I- I can't! What- What if I fall?!" I said and started to back down and panic a little.

"Y/n, listen, you won't fall, but if you don't jump now, we'll both fall!" Diego shouted behind me and I stepped forward but hesitated.

"Jump! Now!" He shouted at me and before I noticed, I was in the air and had landed safely on the other side where Sid, the baby and Manny were.

"Come on, keep up with me." Sid said and ran still.

"I would if you were moving!" Manny shouted from behind him. Then I looked back and Diego jumped behind me.

"Wow. I wish I could jump like that." Sid said and lay on the ground.

"Wish granted." Manny said and kicked Sid flying in the air. He landed safely enough on the other side.

"Come on! Move faster!" Diego shouted from behind us.

"Have you noticed the river of lava?" Manny asked.

"Manny!" I shouted and he jumped quickly to the other side, but the bad thing for me and Diego was that we were stuck again.

"Y/n jump!" Diego shouted and I did as he said, I got to the other side but when I landed it caused a block of ice to drip from the edge directly into the lava.

[Ice Age] Diego x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now