Chapter 6. Where's The Baby?!

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Y/n POV:

It was morning and the sun had risen to the sky. The sun rays shone on my face and I opened my eyes. When I opened my eyes I saw Diego, Manny and the baby... wait a minute, where is the baby?!

I quickly got up and went to Manny.

"Manny? Manny? Manny?!" I woke him up and when I managed to do that, he looked at me with a questioning look.

"What now Y/n?" He asked and was closing his eyes.

"The baby is gone!" I told him and he quickly opened his eyes. He looked down at his trunk and noticed that the baby was no longer on it. He got up and looked around, then he looked at me and we looked at Diego. And not for long so Manny marched angrily to Diego.

"Manny, I don't think that-" I started but Manny was already marching to Diego and his strong footsteps made Diego bounce up. For my part, I just took a deep breath and went to them.

"Where's the baby?" Manny asked angrily.

"You lost it?" Diego asked and then it was my turn to speak.

"Hey, where's-?" I asked but both of them interrupted me because they realised that Sid wasn't here with us.

"Sid!" Both of them yelled, and we all started looking at him.

Diego and I went on the same way to find Sid and the baby. Manny went to look the other way.

"Well, what do you think Sid is doing with the baby?" I asked as we walked next to the large rocks.

"You never know what he's going to do." Diego said with a sigh and I laughed a little.

"Yep, you never know." I answered and continued with a smile. And not for long then we heard something run towards us. We stopped and Diego went in front of me, then we saw how anxious Sid ran around the corner, and I can tell when he saw us he was almost jumping in happiness.

"Whoa! Oh, thank goodness. Thank goodness." Sid said quietly in front of us, Diego and I shared questioning expressions and looked back at Sid.

"Oh, no! a Tiger! Help! Help!" Sid shouted and this made me really confused.

"Where's the baby?" Diego asked a little annoyed.

"Oh, he's fine. Manfred has him. Just put me in your mouth. Come on. Hurry up!" Sid whispered anxiously again.

"Sid what's wrong with you?" I asked him but he didn't answer.

"Ohh! He got me! Oh, help!" Sid shouted again and pretended to be dying. Then I heard the sound of the hooves coming from afar and they were approaching us.

"Get away from me." Diego said and turned back and started walking where we had come from. Of course, I started following him and Sid was left behind.

"He went this way. Over here." A familiar voice said... oh no...

Then I saw that Sid kicked Diego and this made Diego growl in pain and suddenly Sid's neck was in Diego's mouth. For my part, I quickly jumped behind a big rock because I saw two familiar rhinos approaching us, and they didn't look happy.

"No! Carl, the Tiger beat us to him." Frank said as I hid on the other side of the rock listening to them.

"Wait a minute." Carl said and I heard him walk closer to Sid and Diego. Then I heard how he smelled something and how he was almost vomiting with disgust.

"He's dead, all right." Carl said and walked away.

"Ohh! Carnivores have all the fun." Frank said as they turned to walk away from us.

"Oh, gosh. I hate breaking their hearts like that." Sid said and I, for my part, jumped out of my hiding place and walked closer to them. Sid's neck was still in Diego's mouth.

"Ah, but you know how it is." Sid said and went for a walk but couldn't because Diego hadn't opened his mouth yet.

"All right, thanks. Uh, you can put me down now." Sid said and tried to get out but failed. He then grabbed Diego's chin and muzzle and tried to pull himself away.

"M-Manny! Manny! " Sid started screaming for help.

"Diego." I said with a warning tone but he didn't let Sid go.

"Guys, I thought we were in a hurry." Manny said and walked to us with the baby.

"Oh, and Diego, spit that out. You don't know where it's been." Manny said and Diego quickly opened his mouth and Sid got free. Then Manny and the baby walked past us and I went after them.

"Boy, for a second there, I actually thought you were gonna eat me." I heard Sid say to Diego.

"I don't eat junk food." Diego said and this made me laugh quietly. Then I turned my head and looked back.

"Come on, boys, we don't want to be late." I said and Diego went for a walk towards us.

"I thought you were gonna... I thought you were gonna..." Sid laughed but then he stopped.

"Were you?" Sid asked seriously and I just laughed and poked Diego in the side. He gave me a smirk and we continued our journey. Sid, on the other hand, stayed put too long so he had to run to us.

(Next is this scene below, and because I'm too lazy to write now, I just put the video here. You don't have to watch it if you remember what happened in it.)

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