The captain then walks to them and opens a book.

"Storm king's rule book says" she reads it and then closes it "throw them over board"

They then bring out the plank and they were about to grab them, but just then a whistle goes off.

"All right, that's lunch!" Captain says.

They then take them to the place where they eat and they chow down.

"What?" Twilight says being confused.

"How are you feeling?" Junior asks sitting next to Dan.

"Much better now" Dan says.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Rainbow dash says "so, you were about to toss us overboard, and you stopped for a lunch break?"

"Storm King only allows one break a day for meals then it's back to hauling goods" Mullet says.

"So you're delivery guys?" Brock asks.

"And gals" captain says "these uniforms aren't exactly doing us any favors"

"Then, can you deliver us to Mount Aris?" Twilight asks.

"Sorry. We do what the Storm King orders, or we suffer his wrath" captain says.

"Right" Teeder says.

"Still going overboard" Kali says.

"It's nothing personal. Pudding?" Lix Spittle says.

"There's pudding?" Rarity and Cynthia both said and another bowl of that stuff showed up.

"You weren't always delivery birds, were you?" Dan asks.

"What about before the Storm King?" Rainbow asks.

"Yeah, we used to be much more adventurous" captain say and shows them the flag.

"Whoa! You used to be pirates?" Rainbow asks.

"Um, we prefer the term, Swashbuckling treasure hunters" he says.

"So, pirates" junior says.

[Rainbow Dash]
You birds have a choice to make. You could let some cloven-hoofed Storm King tell you how to live your lives, or...
Rainbow Dash: could be awesome again!

Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash, this really isn't a good time for a—

[Rainbow Dash]
I know the world can get you down

Twilight Sparkle: —song.

[Rainbow Dash]
Things don't work out quite the way that you thought
Feeling like all your best days are done
Your fears and doubts are all you've got
But there's a light
Shining deep inside
Beneath those fears and doubts
So just squash 'em
And let it shine
For the whole world to see
That it is time
Yeah, time to be awesome
(Ah, ah, ah-ha awesome!
It's time to be so awesome!
Ah, ah, ah-ha awesome!
It's time to be so awesome!)

[Captain Celaeno]
You've no idea how hard it's been
(It's time to be awesome!)
This dull routine we've been forced to do

[Rainbow Dash]
Don't let them rob you of who you are
Be awesome, it's all up to you

[Captain Celaeno]
I feel the light
Stirring deep inside
It's like a tale still yet to be told

[Rainbow Dash and Captain Celaeno]
And now it's time
To break the shackles free
And start living like the brave and the bold!
(It's time to be awesome!
Let loose, be true, so awesome!
It's time to be awesome!
Go big, be you, so awesome!)

[Captain Celaeno]
We used to soar through the clouds in the sky
Elaborate schemes we would love to devise
Rescued our treasure and stored it away
Saving those gemstones for a rainy day

[Rainbow Dash and Captain Celaeno]
We see the light
Filling up our sky

[Rainbow Dash]
So take the Storm King's orders and toss 'em
Cause it's the time to let our colors fly
[Captain Celaeno]
Hey scallywags, it's time to be awesome!

Brock, Ann, and spike bang on the wood like drums and the other bird does drum solo on the wood.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

"Come on, let's show these little ponies and their friends how it's done" captain says.

They then saw a rainbow cell come out.

"And now for the finishing touch!" Rainbow says says and flies up.

"Rainboom, rainboom" pinkie says.

"What's that?" Dan's group ask.

"You'll see" Applejack says.

They then saw her go faster and she makes a rainbow in the sky and a big boom too.

"Wow" they said as they saw it.

"I think Zane would have loved to see that" Dan says.

Meanwhile back on tempest's ship they saw the big rainbow in the sky and headed that way even though they were heading in a different direction thanks to Capper telling them that.


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Dan Meets Young Kali and the gang and goes to Equestria ✅ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt