Chapter VIII -New Insight-

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{Talking on the fireplace/Two-way mirror}


Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter VIII

–New Insight–

Sunday, 14 November 1971


When Harry woke up he felt good as new. When he looked around he found himself alone in the infirmary, Madam Pomfrey most likely was in her office right now. Hearing hissing, Harry turned his head to see Voldemort's snake form looking at him. Harry looked at the snake's eyes and then turned around, avoiding the snake all together.

–Aiden, you can't avoid me forever.–

Harry eyes widen, but he didn't turn around to face the Dark Lord. He still had the Parseltongue? But... when Ron spoke... of course, Ron was imitating a sound, even to Harry that wouldn't mean nothing. So he still had the Parseltongue, even without the horcrux he still had the language.

"Aiden?" Harry looked up at hearing his grandfather's voice.

Lord Potter had just entered the infirmary coming from the office. The man approached and sat on a chair before Harry.

"I just came from the Auror's office." Harry nodded. "Apparently you knew the name of the Auror who did this to you."

"He didn't do anything. I already was..."

"He provoked, you are getting worse. Madam Pomfrey may be able to keep the disease contained, but that doesn't stop it. You have to find who cursed it."

"Because that will work so well: 'Excuse me have you been cursing an object with dark magic lately?'"

"I'm sure you can talk with the man you... 'bumped' into, were your words. He may know who could've done it."

"You're saying as if..." Harry looked to the office making sure they weren't being listening on. "It was cursed now. The person could most likely not have been born yet."

"True. But would the object send you to this time otherwise?"

Harry frowned.


Monday, 15 November 1971

"So I've heard Auror Moody was fired."

Harry looked to the fireplace where Rodolphus' head was and approached sitting before the fire.

"He provoked an illness I have to grow faster. My uncle refused to let that pass."

"Which is completely reasonable."

Harry shrugged. It didn't feel good to force Moody to be fired. In the future he used to look up to the man...

"But of course you are having second thoughts." Harry heard Rodolphus' voice say before he remembered that he was talking with the man.

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