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. Same as other chapters
.Bit more Gore

Oikawa POV:

My breathing became fast and hard as I sprinted towards the gym, I lost my team a little further back but I'm sure that they will soon be in tow. But I can't think about that right now all that matters is my Tobio...

I make it too the gym doors and with no hesitation I use all my force to push the doors open, not even caring if I were to break something or hurt someone. As I hurry into the gym i see a huddle of Karasuno's team all on the floor, seemingly surrounding something. I look around the Gym for Tobio. My heart stopped for a second. I can't hear anything. I can't think. I just run into the huddle and take a look at My little brother ... covered in. Blood..

I hear my team running up to the gym when all footsteps come to a halt, everyone's frozen in shock, horror. Until finally Karasunos captain snapped out of his trance and gave directions to everyone on what they should do, seeing as he was the calmest he was to call an ambulance over, Me and the tall middle blocker were told to find the wounds and apply pressure so we could prevent more blood loss. Some people were too shocked to move and others were too distraught to stay in the room, but I couldn't let it show.. I have to be here for him, he's everything to me...

Diachi POV:

When I heard that scream I didn't know who it was, but I know it couldn't be good. I immediately turned my whole body to the direction of the sound "KAGEYAMA" is all I heard from Hinata before I saw what everyone else was seeing... Kageyama lying on the floor seemingly passed out and a ball rolling behind him, I looked up to see Asahi on the other side of the net. He was doing his spiking practice today... "sh*t" Time seemed to be moving slower for me as I finally mustered up the courage and ran towards him. On my way over I spotted some strange looking liquid pouring out from his sleeves and the underneath of his shirt. Until I realised just what that liquid was..

Tsukishima POV

I don't know how the hell things even got to this point but now me and the Great King have been put in this position in which we have to search for wounds that the Ki- Kageyama might have, I look up at him in order to communicate and see if we were both ready, he's panicking so much but he's trying to hide it, I can't lie though I'm doing the same thing at this exact moment. As much as I despise the boy that's lying on the floor covered in blood, it's only meant to be a playful rivalry, I still worry for him as much as I don't like to admit it...

Finally Oikawa looks at me and nods, he's ready. So am I... We have the most important job here and I'm not going to fail to protect My King... I still need him.


Hello people, I haven't updated this in a while and it's gotten quite a few reads so I thought I might as well add another chapter. I don't have the mental capacity to update a lot but I'll try and make more chapters at some point. Hope you enjoy

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