Chapter Five

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Disclaimer: I was like 6 or 7 when 'Tommy Boy' was released, so it's pretty safe to say that I do not own it. This disclaimer will make sense in a minute, I promise.

"I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it."

Trying not to gag, Vada leaned forward and set her plate and half-eaten final piece of pizza on the coffee table. "And with that lovely mental image, I'm done eating...possibly forever.

Merle just laughed before washing down his last bite of pizza with his beer. Setting his mug on the coffee table, he lightly tugged on her arm. "Get over here, woman."

Vada went into his arms willingly and snuggled into his chest. She tried to fight it, but as soon as she was comfortable in his arms, she let out a loud yawn.

"Ya sound tired, baby." Merle absentmindedly began stroking her back through her t-shirt.

"I am," Vada admitted. "My class had their field trip to the Atlanta Zoo today. Twenty-six kids and a bunch of cool animals make for a busy day. They were all supposed to pick five animals and take notes about their habitats and diets, but I'm damn near positive that half of them didn't do it." She'd see tomorrow when they handed in their science journals.

"Why don't we's get ya ta bed, baby." Merle lightly tapped her ass. "Ya need some sleep. We's can bump uglies another night."

Vada snorted. Leave it to Merle to be so poetic. "You're not leaving, are you?"

"Shit no," Merle kissed her forehead. "Even if it's just sleepin', I'll take cozyin' up ta yer sweet ass over my cold bed any day."

If you spoke Merle, he was actually being very sweet, if not vulgar. "Good," she leaned up and kissed him.

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