prologue: discover a child

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It's night time in canterlot city at the sidewalk there's a girl with ember skin and long red orange hair with yellow streaks. She wearing a black leather jacket with dark purple shirt, orange skirt with red and yellow skirt, and biker boots. Her name is sunset shimmer, the former student of princess celestia who skipped the lessons and went through the magic mirror that lead her here and break friendship at canterlot high school with the students and including applejack and the girls too. But she got defeated from princess twilight sparkle and her new friends with rainbow beam after that she reform and change. She was heading to her apartment and heading to bed for tomorrow and stop waking a bit and hear noise in the dark alley.

Sunset: "(thought) is that a baby noise?"

She decided towards the dark alley to find the noise and stop to see carrier on top of broken stereo and the noise inside the carrier.

Sunset: "it's coming from inside the carrier."

Sunset step forward the carrier and press the 1st button on the bottom to make side doors open to reveal a little green alien baby with black eyes and pointy ears. Wearing light brown robe. He stare at sunset shimmer with curiosity look on his face while the carrier begins to float up front of sunset.

Sunset: "(thought) who leave this infant alone in the alley?"

She got idea inside of her head and look at the infant with warm smile on her face, "don't worry little dude, I take care of you forever. But I need a name for you? What about blaze, you like that."

Blaze nodded his head to her.

Sunset: "great. Come on blaze, let go home to our apartment."

They begin walking together exit the alley towards the sidewalk heading to their apartment.

[New story is out for tonight]

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