by Rita Skeeter
27th November 1999

Last night marked the conclusion of the trials of war for the Malfoy family. We followed Draco Malfoy through his trial the summer before last and now I bring you inside details of the trial of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

It was revealed, over four days of proceedings, that the Malfoy's were indeed held hostage in their own home for the same amount of time as Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Trial changing evidence was given that hailed Narcissa Malfoy for changing the face of The Battle of Hogwarts; Harry Potter told the Wizengamot of how Mrs Malfoy risked her life to lie to Lord Voldemort and tell him that Harry Potter was dead when he was, in fact, alive. It is due to this piece of evidence and the eighteen months in captivity that I believe the Wizengamot based their verdict. 

Mr and Mrs Malfoy will be on house arrest for the next three and a half years, their magic will be traced, and they will undergo six counselling sessions each in order to keep tabs on their mental state.

All members of the Golden and Silver Trio were present at the trial but declined to comment on their own trials and suffering of the past two years. (Full story continued on page 2).


Where Would You Go After Being Locked Away For Eighteen Months?

by Rita Skeeter
15th December 1999

Included with this article are the first pictures that we have seen of our rescued and their rescuers. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, and Ernie Macmillan were seen at the Leaky Cauldron two nights ago with Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, and Blaise Zabini, enjoying a drink and conversing like old friends.

In light of their recent events it is no surprise that the group were in need of a drink at The Leaky Cauldron in an effort to find normalcy in their lives. All of the above names are known participants in the war and have suffered more than most. It was described as an intimate meeting between friends; rumours surrounding the Zabini-Weasley relationship were perhaps confirmed when the pair were seen holding hands beneath the table.

Harry Potter was also seen sitting rather close to Pansy Parkinson as he remained quiet for most of the evening - could it be that the Chosen One has chosen his one? Though details are hazy as to what went down during their captivity, could it be that Miss Parkinson was our Saviour's saviour?

They say that love conquers all - in light of their tragedies it is heartwarming to see these blossoming relationships.

Interestingly, the young Draco Malfoy was not seen to be celebrating with them and has stealthily avoided the public eye since the beginning of November. Efforts were made to contact the young Malfoy heir but he declined to comment on his absence.

The final two members of the rescued were not present; Theodore Nott and Luna Lovegood have not been seen in public since the Mass Breakout of Malfoy Manor. It is thought that Miss Lovegood is still recovering at St Mungo's and Mr Nott has not left her side since she was admitted. We at the Prophet wish Miss Lovegood a speedy recovery.


Dear Mr Malfoy,

We at the Daily Prophet would be honoured to offer you the first one to one interview after your successful rescue of our stolen war heroes. We will forever be grateful to you for saving those that were taken and I know the entire Wizarding World is similarly appreciative.

It is our understanding that you had a much larger role in the planning and execution of the events that transpired on the night of the 1st November and we would like for you to be able to tell your full and true story to the Wizarding World.

Our faithful readers have many questions that they wish for you to answer; is it true that you sent Hermione Granger into hiding? Did you truly have no idea that your parents were alive in your childhood home? How close were you to Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger in your final year of Hogwarts - post war? What was your motivation behind saving the hostages - did you see this opportunity as your much needed redemption?

Should you wish to organise a time for this interview to take place face to face, simply send your owl and I will be more than happy to accommodate you. If you wish to simply send your responses to the above questions I will happily accept.

Rita Skeeter
Daily Prophet


Ms Skeeter,

I decline to comment.

Do not contact me again.

Draco Malfoy


Dear Miss Granger,

We at the Daily Prophet would be honoured to offer you the first one to one interview after your successful rescue of our stolen war heroes. We will forever be grateful to you for saving those that were taken and I know the entire Wizarding World is similarly appreciative.

It is our understanding that you had a much larger role in the planning and execution of the events that transpired on the night of the 1st November and we would like for you to be able to tell your full and true story to the Wizarding World.

Our faithful readers have many questions that they wish for you to answer; is it true that Draco Malfoy sent you into hiding after your Hogwarts graduation? How close were you to Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy during your final year at Hogwarts - post war? How did you feel about your once enemy planning to rescue your two closest friends?

Should you wish to organise a time for this interview to take place face to face, simply send your owl and I will be more than happy to accommodate you. If you wish to simply send your responses to the above questions I will happily accept.

Rita Skeeter
Daily Prophet


Dear Ms Skeeter,

I respectfully decline your offer of an interview.

I believe that the true details, something which your articles seem to lack, are only necessary to be known by the Ministry and those who were directly involved.

Should you wish to contact me again in regards to this interview I won't hesitate to get in touch with the relevant wizards in charge of beetle infestations.

Hermione Granger
"Golden Girl"

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