Not Rape After All...

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[Killian's POV]

When I grabbed the girl she yelled something I did not expect.

"RAPE!" She wormed around, trying to escape. I started chuckling, and I could here Charming and Swan laughing behind me too. Because of my laughter, my grip loosened a tiny bit, but apparently enough for her to escape.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" She screamed and punched me in the face. I brought my hands up to my cheek, feeling a bruise slowly appear on my face.

"We just want to ask you some questions, we mean no harm!" Swan put her hand on my shoulder, and tried to calm the girl down.

"Did you have to grab me? Couldn't you just come up to me and say 'Oh hi I'm whatever- your name is, and tell me what you want to ask? You probably would have saved your boyfriends face from my fist." The girl crossed hr arms, obviously angry.

My eyes widened at the word boyfriend. How did she know? It's not like we kissed or anything. Swan seemed equally as shocked as I was, if not more, as she stuttered,

"H- How about you come to the sherif's station with us so we can ask you some questions." Swan asked, shaking.

"Lead the way."

Swan started to walk towards the station, Charming and I following. The girl hesitated before skipping to catch up with us.

When we reached the station the girl took an apple off the desk and sat down at in the chair across from it.

"What's your name?" Swan asked, keeping calm.

"My full name is Clarity Victoria Roth."

"Okay Miss Roth-" Swan started.

"No. Call me Clarity, Miss Roth sounds too formal." Clarity smiled, and took another bite out of her apple.

"How long have you been in Storybrooke? I haven't noticed you before."

"Two weeks I believe." Clarity looked bored.

"And how did you get here?" Swan leaned close, interested in her answer, and to see if she is lying.

"I can't remember. All I know is that it was cold, very cold." Swan looked satisfied with her answer.

[Clarity's POV]

The questions went on forever. Soon I got tired of all this nonsense.

"So, now it's my turn. I have only a few questions, and I want answers." I smiled sweetly at the blonde women.

She looked shock but nodded. Her eyes and the guy with dark hair's locked, before she turned back to me. "What do you want to know?"

I am introducing a new character next chapter so be prepared.

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