Chapter One: Tell Us a Story!

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"Aunty, come on, tell us a story!" a young girl commanded, bouncing onto the couch to sit. Her blonde hair followed, landing in a mess. She quickly ran her hands through it to fix it, but it hardly made a difference.

"You tell the best stories!" an older boy said, glancing up a moment from his phone. He set it down, watching and hoping for a story. He lifted and sat the youngest girl on his lap, both seeming intrigued.

"Alright, alright, one quick story," a blonde-haired woman laughed, taking a seat on the couch. "But only one, okay?"

"Aww, fine-" all three kids said in unison, earning a chuckle from their aunt.

"Have I ever told you the story of the Traveler?" the woman glanced between them and got head shakes in return. "Well, then I say you're in for a treat."


Years and years ago, there was this young girl. And this young girl was like any other kid her age, for the most part anyway. She quite liked school, much more than her fellow students. But one thing she did have in common was her creative imagination.

Now, when you're her age of eight or nine, you are often influenced by the world around you. And this was true for this girl. She was influenced by the things she watched on tv. She so wanted to be a part of those worlds. They all seemed so amazing, so cool. She'd wanted that since she was younger, to be a part of the worlds that were simply fiction.

So, like any child, this girl started imagining stories for herself where she existed in these worlds. Where she had her own story in these worlds. She'd pretend to interact with those in these worlds. She'd go on adventures. She daydreamed about these places a lot. They gave her an escape, a place to be when the real world was mean and cruel as it often is.

While kids tend to lose most of their imagination for this type of thing, the girl's only grew. Slowly, more and more fictional universes were added to the places the girl wished to exist. She alternated between them, creating stories that she wished more than anything were real, true stories.

And one day, that wish came true. While the girl was daydreaming as she often did, she was suddenly seeing one of her story worlds around her. She moved around and was able to interact with others. It was real, one of her first worlds was finally real. When she snapped out of the world, she hadn't moved from the spot she had been sitting. Hardly any time had passed, and the girl was amazed!

That night, while she was asleep, she dreamt, or at least what she thought was a dream, of a dark room. Around her, mirrors stood. But the crazy thing was that these mirrors were empty. They had no reflections of anything, not the girl, and not the room. She was confused as to where she was, and why the mirrors were empty of reflections.

As the girl wandered around, a large, light purple orb appeared in the center of the room. Curious, the girl approached the orb. Upon closer inspection, it was swirling with what looked like magic. The girl went to touch it, but the magic of the orb surrounded her and became one with her. The girl could feel the magic inside of her.

When she woke up the next morning, the girl still felt the magic inside of her. She hadn't just been dreaming. She now possessed strong magic. What could this magic do? Well, it was able to transport her to the worlds she wanted to exist in. she didn't have to pretend they were real, they were truly real to her. She actually existed in all the places she had wished to.

As time went on, and the girl added more stories to her collection, often adding more worlds, the magic inside of her became draining. It became tiring to hold and contain. And so, the girl moved the magic into a necklace. This necklace was somehow able to contain the magic. The girl did this again, moving the magic into another necklace, and finally, the magic was moved into a bracelet. That's where the magic remained.

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