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I saw a large ring with runes all over it. There were various machines surrounding it, looking like they were there to stabilize it. 

"This is my life's work: Project Gateway," said Dr. Schmidt. "The holy grail of exploration. This device will make the idea of space exploration obsolete."

"I still don't understand, what is this thing?" I was becoming more confused every second. What this guy was talking about was the stuff that people wrote dumb stories online about.

"A transdimensional breach generator! A gateway to the entire multiverse! And you, Ethan, are going to be the first human to travel through it."

"This is insane! So even if it did work, I'd be facing the kind of energies contained in a black hole! And even that's theoretical!" (Never apologize for being smarter than others ;] )

"And we can discuss that later. Right now, you have to see this up close."

'This guy is not taking this seriously at all!' I thought.

Dr. Schmidt led me up to the portal. "Not all of this was our design mind you. In fact, the core ring that you see here," He gestured to the main ring with the runes. "is actually alien. We have no idea where it came from. We only found it beneath recently discovered ruins in South America, emitting a strange field that did not allow it to suffer from the effects of time."

"So this thing is tech from ancient aliens." I gave up trying to be defensive, in part because I was too curious to do anything else.

The doctor continued to give me a rundown of the portal, of which I only understood half of. "I still don't know how you expect a human to not get smashed into quark particles when going through that thing," I said.

"Oh, I'm afraid we are out of time for today," Dr. Schmidt said, completely dodging the question. "Hey! This is life and death we're talking about! You can't blow off something like this!" I said. "Guard, please escort Mr. Ethan back to his cell please," said the Doctor.

"Let's go," the guard ordered, clasping my hand behind my back and shoving me out of the lab. "Hold on, I'm not done! If you send me through that thing, I'm dead!"

"That won't happen, I assure you," Schmidt replied ominously.


I was in my cell trying not to destroy my brain while thinking about the portal. Those thoughts left my mind quickly when I thought of my family. I broke down in tears. Suddenly the lights went out and I heard a hissing sound. Something smelled weird too. I realized I was getting knocked out again. Before I lost all consciousness I thought I heard Schmidt's voice.

"Prepare the operating room."

Hey, y'all! hoped you liked this part. Know that the story's going to come along a little faster now, just wanted to give you guys some backstory. Thanks if you bothered to read my first attempt at a story. New releases are going to be kinda staggered because I have a life, surprise-surprise.

Also, Recommendations are encouraged! I will be considering all that come my way, so please support me! This story is going to be nuts if you guys help me out!

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