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Hi, My name's Ethan. I live in a small city called Provo, Utah. Don't kick yourself if you've never heard of it. I'm just a normal kid with a big imagination. If you saw me in the hall, you wouldn't take a second look, unless of course I was wearing my Autism shirt. Yeah, I have high-functioning Autism. No, I'm not very awkward. No, I don't get worked up easily. I've gotten it under control and now I'm proud of it. If you talked to me, you'd probably think "Huh, nice guy".

But that was then. What you don't know is I'm not here anymore. Not on Earth. Not even in this universe. I'm gone, but Heaven forbid I'm not coming back, and I'm going to make sure that the people who took me never do it to anyone else. But first, I have to survive this perverted world where heaven and hell are no different.

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