Farewell, Again

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I felt like a zombie. I had a headache and my chest was throbbing with a bad case of unwanted deja vu. I didn't want to open my eyes, so I turned my head and... ran into something soft? My pillow never felt this good. I heard a sigh and then I was pushed into the softness, having it envelop my head. Wait a minute.

I opened my eyes and saw... Sun in my bed!? Hugging me to her chest!?!?


* * *

Apparently I had been out for over a week. Fafnir informed me that Sun had hardly left my side during that time. Not surprisingly she had grown much more attached to me. I decided to let it slide since she was basically my nurse while I was out. 

"Ah, the hero arises!" Fafnir greeted me as I hobbled down to breakfast.

"I'm so glad you're ok!" Sun gushed

"More or less," I muttered. "What happened while I was out?"

"Thanks to your efforts, the orcs seems to have lost interest in the village entirely. All repairs are complete and everyone is eager to greet their savior," The chief responded.

"Oh boy," I said. Honestly, I just wanted to rest for a while. I made a mental note not to pull shenanigans like that unless absolutely necessary. Being the center of public attention was never a position I saw myself in, but I guess under the circumstances I had to make the most of it.

"Well, I guess we should tell them I'm up and about then," I said, groaning as I rose from my seat.

Sun came around and gripped my arm to support me. I looked at her and smiled to show her I appreciated the gesture

'Dang, that smile,' She made me warm all over as she smiled right back at me.

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