Chapter Eight

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Louis' POV

I Just got back from Holiday break a week ago and today is our first day back. I'm really nervous to see Harry, not because I haven't seen him since Christmas, we've talked to each other a bunch since then; what I'm nervous about is, what if James thinks he's unable to play his role because of his arm and wrist. I just hope James doesn't replace him.

When I got to the theater I saw Harry talking to James so I just went and sat in our normal seats and waited for him to finish. After they finished talking Harry came over and sat next to me like I knew he would. "So, what were you and James talking about?"

"We were obviously talking about my arm."

"Did he say if he was going to change your role or anything?"

"No, all he told me was that as long as my entire arm isn't in a cast then he doesn't care."

"That's good."

"I know. I don't know what I would do if I lost my role due to something as dumb as breaking my arm."

After Harry and I's conversation James began speaking like he normally does, really he talks so much he could have a talk show; Anyway after he finished talking we began rehearsing Act 2 because before we went on holiday break we just about got Act 1 down.

Rehearsal is quite funny especially since in Act 2 because Perrie and I are Alexander and Eliza, and Harry is playing Philip our son while being taller than the both of us. None of us are actually quite serious during rehearsals because we still have a lot of time to get things perfect.

After rehearsals Harry and I went out for pizza like we normally do and then after we both went back to our own flats, and then I spent the rest of the day with Liam. "Do you want something to eat?"

"No thanks. Harry and I went out for pizza after rehearsals so I'm full."

"Okay. What do you want to do?"

" I don't know, you pick."

"Okay, How about I call Maya over and the three of us could have a movie night, just like the night you moved in."

"That's actually a good idea, and I also haven't seen maya in a while. How is she?"

"She's good, she asks about you so I'm guessing she will agree to this night."

"Yeah lets hope." Liam then went to call maya to ask her if she will join us and she said yes, so then Liam ordered some pizza even though I said I wasn't hungry, but I will be later so I won't say anything about that.

When Maya got here we ended up taking the pillows from our beds and the pillows and cushions from the couch as well as blankets and made a fort, then when the pizza came Maya, Liam and I spent the entire night doing nothing, but eat pizza, Ice cream, whatever candy we could find, and drink soda while watching movies until we all fell asleep on the floor covered in all the food we ate.

I guess I should have known that eating all that junk would come back to bite me in the ass the next morning as I did nothing but puke, Liam and Maya were also puking their guts out so I wasn't the only one. Liam had to call James and tell him that we were too sick to come in, and from what Liam told me James will have the Ensemble take over our parts for the day.

When rehearsals were over Harry texted me checking if he could come over to which I texted back yes and so that's where we are now, in my room on my bed. "How do you like the soup?"

"It's good, did you make it yourself?"

"Yes I did, I need you back at playing Alexander, Justin is not cut out for that role."

"Obviously. That's why he is in the Ensemble."

"Do you feel better?"


"Good." Then he punched me in the arm.

"Why did you do that."

"So you don't do that again. Do you know how lonely I get when you aren't there?"

"Aww, did little Hazzabear miss me while I was gone?"

"Yeah, but only because I barely talk to anyone there."

"So, why did you decide to come here after rehearsals?"

"Well it was either come here or Listen to Luke and Michael have sex inthe room next to mine."

"They were having sex?"

"Yeah, it's like they couldn't wait until the nighttime when Niall and I are asleep."

"Well I'm glad you decided to come here."

"Same Here."

Theater Love // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now