Chapter Five

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Louis' POV

It's been three months since Harry and I went out to lunch, and since then we have gotten closer than ever, we've also had to work non-stop on the musical which makes sense as it's a lot of singing and dancing with no actual dialogue that involves talking, but we did have our breaks on the weekends. Now it's December and since we have holiday break I decided that I'm going to surprise my family back home. I'm not the only person going home because everyone gets time off on holiday break obviously.

The exciting thing about this trip is that Harry, and Liam are on my flight along with most of our group including James. Harry and I got seats next to each other.

I got up early because my flight was the same as Liam. We already packed the night before so all we had to do was change our clothes, do our hair and eat which was hard to do because I'm so excited that I get to see my family again and spend an eight hour long flight with harry.

Eventually I did end up eating and then somehow ended up at the airport where I was sitting next to Harry waiting for our flight to be called. "What are you going to do when you get home?"

"I'm going to say hello to my mum and sister then I'm going to take a much needed nap after that fight."

"I might just do that too y'know if my sisters will let me sleep."

"Yeah well I hope we get to talk over break, but y'know we might just end up getting too wrapped in with our families."

"Yeah, but even if we do we'll just see each other when we get back." right after I said that our flight was called so we got up to board the plane which then led to us having a long flight filled with long conversations and inside jokes that only Harry and I will understand.

When we got off the plane it was quite hectic, Harry and I lost each other for a bit but found each other when we went to get our luggage. Harry and I only got about twenty minutes together as both of our cab's came to take us to our homes.

When I made it to my home I went to the door and knocked and waited for someone to open the door. When the door finally opened I felt my body be pulled into a tight hug that I couldn't escape. "Boobear I missed so much"

"I missed you too mum."

"You must be freezing let me bring you inside." She did just that, she brought my freezing arse inside where I was then tackled by four lunatics which I call my sisters.

Once I got away from my sisters and put my bags into my room I went into the kitchen where my mum had made me some tea. "So how is the theater group in New York?"

"It's nice. A lot of work, but it's nice."

"That's good, what about your new best mate Harry?"

"He's good, we spend everyday together, we have to anyway we work together and in the musical we are doing our characters are close."

"I need to meet him one day, he seems to make you really happy."

"He does and you will meet him at the big performance in may."

"Good because I need to meet the person that's always there for you since I can't be. What's he-"

"Mum I'm gay." blurted out.

"Okay. what's he like?"


"What's wrong?"

"I just came out to you and you didn't react?"

"Louis I didn't react because I'm your mother, I've known you since before you were born, it doesn't take a genius to know that you are different from others, also the way you are when you talk about Harry gives it away, and based off of that is he someone that you want to be with."

"How did you know all of that?"

"I just told you, so do you like Harry as more than a friend or not?"

"Yeah I do. He's just such an amazing person mum, his beautiful green eyes, majestically beautiful hair, his beautiful Lips, his beautiful dimples, his beautiful height, and most importantly his beautiful personality."

"Honey I think you used the word beautiful a bit too much."

"False mum no matter how many times I use the word beautiful it wouldn't be enough to describe how beautiful he is. He's so beautiful he seems fake like I'm imagining him, but I'm not."

"Slow it down there Romeo, breathe, take a break. Does he like you back?"

"That's the thing I don't know, I know that he's gay too, but what if he doesn't like me back? MUM!"

"Lou calm down, from what I hear he might like you too."

"How do you know?"

Well answer this, When did he come out to you?"

"A month after we met, we were eating pizza and we were talking about our characters and then he brought up the topic of relationships and then blurted it out."

"See, he came out to you a month after you met, most would probably wait at least a year, and I remember you saying one day that he's the shy type and those types of people tend to be more closed off. What were you discussing about your characters that made him bring up the topic of relationships?"

"He did some research about our characters because we are playing real people and apparently our two characters were rumored to be in a secret relationship."

"Another reason as to why he may like you, he never mentioned any facts about any other characters and it just so happens that what he finds is that your characters were secretly together, then he starts the conversation of relationships, and then 'accidentally' comes out,"

"What are you on about mum?"

"What I'm trying to say is that him coming out to you wasn't an accident and that he probably came out on purpose."

"Mum that's crazy talk."

"You won't be telling me that on your wedding day."

"MUM!" I shouted as my phone started ringing, and I looked at the contact and saw that it was Harry so I motioned for my mum to come over while I answered the phone and put it on speaker. "Ello Harry."

"Hello Louis."

"Why are you calling?"

"Just checking if you made it home safe, did you?"

"I wouldn't be talking to you if I wasn't."

"Right, anyway I need your address."

"Why do you need my address?"

"At the airport it was so hectic and I forgot to give you your birthday and christmas gifts and so I want to send them to you."

"Oh you don't have to, you can give them to me when we get back to New York."

"No I'd prefer if you opened them on the actual days."

"Okay. I'll text you the address."


"I'll talk to you whenever I'm free, okay."

"Yeah, bye."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and looked at my mum. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh nothing. His voice sounds calming, I'd want him to read me a bedtime story."

"I know. I want him to read me one."

"Also Louis."

"Yes mum?"

"I told you so." she said as she ran out of the room giggling like a child.

Theater Love // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now