Chapter Two

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Louis' POV

Over the past week Liam and I have gotten to Know each other and tell me about The area that we live in and the theater group that we are in. Liam's told me that everyone in our flat complex is either a part of the theater group or in the modeling group down the road, He also told me that most of the kids in the group are transfers from outside of America Mainly from the UK, but some are from other places. Liam and I have to go to the theater building down the road as today is my first day and the first day back for Liam and all the other people in the group as they had the summer off.

To my surprise the theater was quite big, I thought it would be small, but nope not at all. Liam led me into the building from the back and through the backstage area where we then made it onto the stage, and then sat down in one of the audience seats in the front row. While we were waiting for more people to come in, a man came up to me and introduced himself to me "Hello I'm James, you must be Louis." he said in an excitedly while I just nodded my head as he continued on "I hope you really like it here, everyone is friends here and we are all like one big musical family." and he just went on and on until everyone was here in which he went onto the stage to talk. "Hello everyone. Welcome back, I hope your summer was great; anyway as you all know we get a new member every year and this year is no different so if you could all quickly direct your eyes, there is our new member Louis. Louis stand up please. James said while pointing at me and I did what he said while everyone was looking at me. "You could sit down now Louis." I nodded and sat back down then whispered to Liam "Does he always do that?" to which Liam whispered back a yes.

After about twenty minutes of James speaking about how the year goes along he began talking about what play or musical we are doing this year. "This year's production is going to be Hamilton the Musical. I know it's weird isn't it as most of you aren't from America, but that's why I chose it, nothing about the original musical stood to the normal ways things were in that time period so why not." I got a bit confused and raised my hand to which James saw. "Yes Louis?"

"What do you mean the musical did not stand to the normal ways things were back in that time period?"

"Good question. What I mean by that was that The actors did not fully dress the way that people did in that time. The actors all had current day hairstyles and had black people play the parts of characters when in reality the original people were all white and the men all had similar hairstyles to what you would see in american currency instead of all the different hairstyles that there are today including the women."

"Fair point." He then nodded and continued what he was saying.

"Now everyone that knows me knows that I always start planning the next production around the time the one that we are currently doing so when you all were beginning your performances of Frozen I was planning Hamilton. Now you all don't need to audition for roles as I know what each of you sound like, but if you feel as if you have improved or changed I will be having auditions later this evening, and all the new people always ask this so I will answer it right now before you ask, I already know what you sound like as I hand picked you from performances in your hometowns. Now any questions?" no one seemed to have questions so James just instructed us all to get to know each other, sing, talk, whatever really. A few people actually came up to talk to me and they were all nice. I met this guy named Zayn and I found out that he lived with these two guys named Ashton and Calum and their flat was right next to ours. Then I met these girls who all lived together in the same flat next to maya's their names are Leigh-Anne, Jesy, Jade and Perrie, they seemed cool to hang around; then I met this guy Niall who lived with these two other guys two of which are in a band on the side with Ashton and Calum, their names are Luke and Michael and they are actually dating which is cool, I wish I could be out like they are. I was pretty much about to leave when this one guy came up to me to introduce himself "Hello. I'm Harry."

"I'm Louis."

"I know, I saw you when James made you stand up."

"Oh cool"

"Yeah. Well I don't want to hold you and Liam for long as I see you were leaving."

"Yeah, um how about I give you my number so we could talk. I could use a couple of friends around here."

"Sure. I could never have enough friends." I gave him my number.

"If you ever want to hang out I'm roommates with Liam. Do you know where he lives?"

"Yeah I've been there for past rehearsals. I live with Niall, I saw you talking to him earlier."

"Yeah, but he never mentioned you, why is that?"

"I don't know, he does that a lot though, but it might be that I like to stay to myself. I'm a bit shy."

"Oh, you don't seem like it, but I guess we all don't show ourselves completely."

"Yeah, well I have to go, but I'll text you later, yeah?"


"Bye Louis."


Theater Love // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now