Zach again

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Concert time.

"I never want this night to end" Jonah finished. They sang the songs out of order.

1. Fallin'

2. Stay

3. Grey

4. Love Song

5. Look At me

6. I'll Be Okay

7. For you

8. Be myself

9.  Slow Down

10. Lotus Inn

"I LOVE YOU!" Becca shouted. "wow." I said She looked at me, then looked at Zach. We were starring at each other. Not wanting to look away. He waved at me, and I waved back. "OOOHHH" Becca said. "Shut up"

We went to Limelight, and I talked to Daniel first. Becca talked to Jonah. "My man Zachary over there said you were cute" Daniel said. "No he didn't" I said blushing "Actually I did" Zach was standing behind me smiling. I blushed, "thank you, but I'm not. You are though" I said. Zach looked at Daniel then Daniel left. "So?" I said. "I think you're cute." Zach said. He hugged me really tight. "Yeah, thanks but I need to breathe" I said. He released me and asked, "what's your name?" "Madelyn" I said. "Well, Madelyn, I wanna hang out. Wanna blow this and go to the bus?" "what about the boys and the fans?" I asked. "They won't even notice I'm gone" "I'm sure they will, but sure whatever"

We went to the bus and started talking. I sat on his bunk, and he sat in Corbyn's, which was across from his. "so. what you wanna do" he asked. "you asked me to come in here, you must have wanted to do something" I laughed  He grabbed my waist and starred in my eyes. Next thing I know, we're having a full on make out session.

                                                                  ~No context~

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked "yeah" I sat on top of him and kissed him. "HEY YO ZACH YOU IN HERE!?!" Daniel shouted. "YEAH I'M IN HERE!" He shouted back. I got my stuff and sat in one of the bunks as if nothing just happened. "You guys are finishing tour with us, which is only like 5 more shows" Jonah said. "YES" Me and Zach said at the same time. 

                                                                     ~THE END~

Yeah. that just happened. I'm scared for my health lol.

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