Chapter 34|| Plan

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                     {3rd person POV}

(Y/n) woke up from his bed with his alarm being annoying as usual. He turned it off and rubbed his eyes. (Y/n) walked in the bathroom and took a sort shower. When he was finished he changed into his uniform and grabbed his phone and walked out of his dorm room.

He put on his earphones and listened to (favorite music). Once he made it to school he seen a lot of people surrounding something, he made his way through the crowd and saw what they were seeing.

It was a hanging girl, her face was pale, her lifeless body was slightly swinging left to right. People were all saying things, "How was she able to get up there so high?" "Poor girl, only if someone was there for her." "What is this gonna do to the school?" "When are they gonna remove her?" They all asked each other.

A small smile formed on (Y/n)'s lips, *I'm happy that your sharing your prize with everyone eles, Russian roulette was kinda scary, even for me.* Some teachers came to remove the students from the area.

(Y/n) made it to his classroom. It was dead silent. A uneasy tension filled the whole room. "Four students missing? That's weird", the teacher said to herself when she was done with roll call the speaker turned on, "may all the 3rd years go to the big gym for an assembly please and thank you." Then the speaker turned off.

Everyone got up and went to where they were told to go.

                             ~ ~ ~ ~

Principal Nezu stood up on a podium, he pulled the microphone closer to him. "I've gathered you all here today to discuss what we all saw or head of." He cleared his throat, "we all seen or heard of Deddo hanging, now all our counselors will talk to everyone who was affected by this incident, we will keep security higher so something like this doesn't happen again. And if you have thoughts about ending your life, please remember that you're not alone, talk to your teacher and we will help you." Nezu said.


Then they all got dismissed. When they all got in class the teacher spoke up, "Principal Nezu has said that class has been canceled, so you may all leave to your dorms now, see you all tomorrow. And if you need help don't be afraid to ask us." Then everyone left the classroom.

(Y/n) walked to his dorm, he pulled out his phone and texted Hawks

They found her body, do you know if they found the others?

Keigo: Good, and I don't think so, just remember don't drink any of the new water they bring.

I actually can't wait till they find the bodies, their reactions will be priceless. The plan is going in motion as expected.

Keigo: The girl hanging will give UA bad publicity, just wait a bit longer.

(Y/n) turned off his phone and put it away. He grabbed the TV remote and turned it on and waited.

                     <Mini timeskip>

(Y/n) was in the bathroom washing his hair when, "Breaking news, four bodies had been found in four separate water towers." When the (h/c) haired male heard that he quickly dried his hair and ran to the TV. "It seems like the bodies have been in the water towers for a while, police suggest to not use any water for anything until they clear it."

A smile formed on the (h/c) haired male's lips. "The four bodies have been  identified as four students at UA. Some related news, a girl was found hung at UA. It seems like UA isn't keeping good track of their students." (Y/n) then turned off the TV. *Looks like they finally found the bodies. Good.* The plan was finally put in full affect.

UA's reputation is now falling. And fast. (Y/n) opened his phone and went on social media to see what people had to say. They were all talking about how bad UA was for not keeping a track on their students, *perfect.*

The plan was something Shigaraki came up with last minute when he found out of what Keigo and (Y/n) were up to. He decided to use that to his advantage.

Shigaraki and (Y/n) both profited off the stunt. Shigaraki would give UA a bad rap, and for (y/n) most of his bullies are out of the picture. He had the most fun seeing the faces they made, only if he could of taken a picture.

Now the next plan should go into action.

[Word count 781]

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