Chapter 38|| K-Boom

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{3rd person POV}

"Keigo, I want you to fly up in the sky to see if anyone is near by, if you do find someone kill them." Shigaraki told Keigo, he nodded and flew up in the air. "Okay, we remember why we are here, let's get to work." Shigaraki said as he pulled off his glove and touched the door knob with all his fingers, turning it to dust. Shigaraki pushed the door lightly and the door slowly opened, then they all walked in.

A women walked up, "Shiggy! I've disabled all the cameras." She said as her body started to melt revealing Toga. "Good, Twice, Spinner, and Mr. Compress go and try to find any information they have one us." "But where do we look?" Spinner asked, "they have their information on the 4th floor. You three should look their." Toga answered. They nodded and looked for an elevator or a stair case to get to the 4th floor.

"Toga, have you placed the explosives?" Kurogiri asked. The teenage girl nodded, "yeah I have, I placed them in the basement right by the boiler so it should make the explosion more bigger!" Toga responded with excitement. "Good, now let catch up with the others. Big sis stay down here and keep an eye out just in case someone somehow sneaks in." Shigaraki told her, she nodded. Then the rest went to go find Twice, Spinner, and Mr. Compress.

~ ~ ~ ~

{Hawks/Keigo POV}

I was flying around looking for any nearby people or heroes to make sure no one calls the police. As I was flying I saw in distance ice forming on one of the tall buildings. *Is that (Y/n)? Well that makes sense, he did mention something about ice powers. Please don't get caught (Y/n).* I thought, hoping that (Y/n) will come back to me unharmed.

I brushed those thoughts away knowing I have a job to do. So I continued to look around for anyone. *Please be safe my little chickadee.*

{3rd person POV}

"Yay! We made it to the fourth floor!" Toga celebrated, they were all huffing. "Why huff is there so many huff steps?" Shigaraki asked. Toga and Kurogiri just shrugged. "Well huff let just be happy we are on the fourth floor." The blonde said try to light up the mood. "Let's just go find the others." Shigaraki said as he walked to find Twice, Spinner, and Mr. Compress.

~ ~ ~ ~

They were all surrounding a door. Then Twice noticed Toga, "Toga!" The other two turned around, "we tired to open this door but it's locked, so we tired to force it open but our quirks aren't really for strength. Could you maybe turn this door to dust, Shigaraki?" Mr. Compress asked. The light blue haired male just walked up to the door. He put his hand on the door, seconds later the door turned to a pile of dust. He entered the room and looked around. It was an office.

Then the others entered, "look around for any useful information." Shigaraki told everyone. He walked up to a computer, "Toga come over here and see if you can login to this computer." Toga walked up to the light blue haired male, "I think they mentioned something about a password, let me see." She said as he sat down in the chair infront of the computer. Shigaraki turned his attention onto the others, they were looking throught file cabinets.

{Hawks/Keigo POV}

I was on the highest point on the tallest building in the area, I looked all over the place, I still haven't seen anyone, I was getting bored. "Ugh this is getting boring." I say out loud to myself. "I'll search this area one more time to make sure no one is near." I said to myself and I got up and stretched out my wings, I flew up and searched the area once again.

Nothing as usual, but then something caught my eye. *A hero.* They are trying to be sneaky but clearly they aren't good at that. I flew near them, "you know you're not good at stealth right?" I say, they quickly turn around. Their eyes widen. "H-Hawks?" They questioned, "nope, I don't go by that name anymore." I say as I land to the ground. "W-Where have you been?" The hero asked. "Hahaha, you really ask that after what they have done to me?! People really are idiots aren't they? Well since you know I'm still alive I can't let you live. So uh enjoy your last seconds of being alive." I said as I grabbed one of my feathers and sharpening it.

"W-we don't have to fight, I can help you!" They yelled. "Thanks, but it's a little too late for that." I say as I quickly flew to them, cutting their head clean off.

{3rd person POV}

While Keigo was busy with dealing with the hero he didn't notice that someone was to recording him. They quietly left the area, planing on posting the video to every social media platform they could to get that internet fame.

Keigo turned his head to look at the direction where the person was, they have already left. *I felt like someone was watching me.* Keigo thought. Then he flew up into the sky to search for anymore heroes. Ignoring the weird thought that was in his head. Then he got a text from Shigaraki.

Crusty Dusty: Let's go.

Keigo put his phone away, *Looks like we're done here.* The blond flew to the others. He saw the van that they took to get to the location has it's lights on. He landed on the roof of the car, he climbed off and opened the tailgate of the van and hopped in, the van start and it went

"Toga, you can do the honors." A big smile formed on her lips. "Gladly." She grabbed the button and before she was about to press it "K-boom." Then she pressed the button.

They all saw the building fall to the ground, rubble going all over the place. There mission was complete.

[Word count 1030]

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