Chapter 1

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A tanned teenage girl was lied down on her bed, facing the wall. She was static, her eyes were empty. She looked extremely tired but seemed to have no intention to sleep. She just absent-mindly stared at the whiteness of the wall in front of her. Her body was lax. But not a confortable way, in a way that shows how empty she was. She had no energy, no will. Her long black hair was messily falling on her back. A light purple blanket was halfway covering her body, or was it halfway falling on floor, near the opened school bag which seemed to not have bugded for days. The curtains were not completely closed, just roughy closed, allowing the sun to enter in the room, enlightening a photo frame that was on the desk on the opposite side. It was a picture of a teenage boy and a teenage girl. The boy was back hugging the girl with a huge smile on his joyful face. He seemed pretty bulk for his age. His dark hair was cut short and a tribal tatto was visible on his shoulder. The girl too was smiling. It looked like she was in the bestest place of the world. It lookes like it was the best day of her life. And it was. That day, the two people went on a date in Forks. They spent the entire day together. Talking, shopping, going to the cinema and dining at a fastfood. It was just the both of them. Them in their own little world. Thinking about this, it contrast a lot with the actual situation. It seemed to be a far and long memory, old of years and years. It was different now. So much more.

Three knocks could be heard. Soon after, without even waiting for an answer, the door opened, revealing a teenage boy. His eyes filled themselves with sadness when he caught eyes his beloved friend, lied on her bed. He silently closed the door behind him and made his way towards her. He kneeled near her bed and gently brushed her long hair.

"Evie," he softly called, as if every sudden disturbance could destroy her in any second.

"Embry?" She absent-mindly called, as if she was unsure, as if he was just a product of her imagination. As of he was just a mere illustration.

"We're going to the beach with the pack. Wanna come?" He gently asked, still brushing her hair.

"... no," she just answered.

"You gotta go out, Evie," Embry tried to reason.

"Why...? He's not here anymore..."

"It's been a month Evie, you cannot stay locked in you room. Please, for me?"

"... Sorry. I can't..."

Embry didn't answer anything back. He passed his hand one last time through Evie's hair before kissing the top of her hair and left. He silently closed the door behing him and walked down the stairs. When he arrived in the living room, Leah, Seth and Sue immediately stood up, waiting to know how the encounter. Worry was all over their faces. These pasts few days, no, this past month had been so nerve wrecking. They had been so worried, anxious, concerned for Evie. And it seemed to worsen with as the days passed. Just because of him. One person. One name. Jacob Black.

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