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I look up at the blue sky before dashing back to the base. Now that I can fully controll myself, Robotnik is gonna have a harder time defeating us. Plus, he's gonna pay for what he made me do to everyone.

Tails's P.O.V

I would say that after the incident that happened I'm healing up pretty well. My left leg is almost fully healed, and my right leg is just fine, so I can walk again. Even if it means that I have to use crutches. Amy suggested that I don't fly until I know that my tails are okay. She found that one of them was badly sprained. But I'm fine with walking. I'm sitting in bed right now thinking of ways to help Ark with his glitches. But I'm snapped out of my daze when I hear someone screaming from downstairs where everyone else is. I get my crutches and go downstairs as fast as I could. When I get to the bottom I see horrified faces and a firmilliar face, Ark. But he's glitching out again. And he looks like he's about to attack Amy.

"Time to put you out of your misery, little Mrs pinky." He says holding an energy ball.

"Nooooo!" Amy screams. But all of a sudden the energy ball fades and Ark starts laughing.

"Um, I'm confused. Why is he laughing?" Knuckles asks.

"You guys really think I'm gonna hurt you? As if I would ever." He says laughing some more.

"Okay, now I'm even more confused." Knux says.

"Guys, I'm not evil. Not anymore." Ark says changing his highlights to blue. "See, I can fully controll myself now. I can go glitched," he says changing to red.

"And I can go back normal with the snap of a finger. See?" He says changing back to blue.

"That's incredible. Just a few days ago you weren't able to controll yourself. Now you're switching between these two states? I'm amazed. How are you able to anyway?" Sally says.

"Heh, yeah. It's kinda hard to explain." He says scratching the back of his head.

"Well at least its not a problem anymore. I was just about to come and fix it for you." I say going over to him. But as soon as henotices me he freezes up.

"Uh, Tails! You're awake! You're, awake." He says sheepishly.

"What is it Ark? You look like you're guilty of something." I say.

"Huh? Me, guilty? Guilty of what, I'm not guilty. What does that word even mean anyway?" He says.

"Ark, come with me please." I say going up to my room. I he as a sigh fromArk and his footsteps following. I go into my room and sit on my bed and soon after Ark sits next to me.

"This is about the incident that happened three weeks ago, isn't it?" I ask. He freezes and his eyes widen in shock. He lets out a sigh and nods slowly.

"I didnt want to see you after what happened that day. I needed some time to pull myself together. Plus, I was too afraid to." He says hugging his knees.

"Ark, its okay. I know you didnt mean to. You weren't yourself. I understand that. But I'm okay. I'm healing just fine." I say putting a hand on his shoulder.

"But I thought you would hate me for it." He says shedding a tear.

"Ark, you're my friend. I would never hate you for something that wasn't your fault." I say calmingly. He wipes the tear away and smiles.

"I guess it was pretty silly of me to think that huh?" He says.

"Yeah, a little." I say.

"Thanks Tails." He says.

"No problem. Now come on, let's go downstairs. The others might be worried about us." I say getting my crutches and walking down the stairs to the lounge. I soon hear Ark follow me. I can tell that he's happy that I forgive him for the incident. It looks like the guilt has been weighing down on him for while a while now.

"So, since you can fully controll yourself now we've been wondering, what caused all these glitches in the first place Ark?" Sally asks as Ark sits down on the couch.

"Well, its sort of hard to explain. But when Robotnik built me he added a manual override mechanism in me that could let him controll me whenever he wanted to." He starts.

"Really? I had a hunch that Robuttnik was behind all this. Looks like I was right." Sonic says with smirk on his face.

"Yeah. I couldn't resist the override because it was built into my system, at least until today." He continues.

"So what happened when you found out?" Knuckles asks him.

"Well, Robotnik was just about to activate the override. But he spilled his plans and it gave me the idea to destroy the override by melting it's circuits. After that, I was able to controll myself without any trouble." Ark explains.

"Thats impressive I guess." Shadow says folding his arms.

"Yeah, and now I'm not a threat to you guys anymore." He says.

"You see Ark? I told you you weren't dangerous." Sonic says.

"Heh, yeah. I should've believed you. It was kinda silly to think otherwise." He says scratching the back of his head.

"Well, since that's all sorted out, I'm gonna go to the lab. I have a new invention I wanna work on. See you guys later." I say grabbing my crutches. But just as I'm about to walk out the door, Amy grabs my hand.

"Hold on there Tails, you're not going anywhere until you're fully healed." She says.

"But Amy, I can take care of myself. Even if I'm injured." I protest.

"I can escort you there Tails." Ark says.

"No! It's okay, I'll stay here then." I say walking back up to my room. I catch a glimpse of Ark's confused face before I enter my room.

"Phew, that was a close one. I guess I'm gonna be stuck in here for a pretty long time. But it'll be worth it when my surprise for Ark is finished. I wouldn't want him finding out about it." I say to myself. I climb onto my bed and start drawing the blueprints for the invention. I have nothing else to do anyways. But he can't know about it. Until I get fully healed and am able to walk without these damn crutches, this invention will just have to stay a surprise.


One chapter closer to the end of this book. But as sad as I am about it, this is where I end the chapter. There's not really anything to talk about today. So that's it for now Speed Demons, I'll see all you beautiful people in the next chapter.

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