Chapter 10: White and Fluffy

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A/N: Sorry about the long break. Kind of lost motivation for a while and this was supposed to be a Christmas special. Hopefully you enjoy the last of the fluff. The next chapter will be back to the main story.

A few weeks after their lovely Thanksgiving fiesta, the Yamaoka family were tending their garden together. Rin was pruning the saplings, Kazan was tilling and fertilizing the soil, and you had taken on the task of watering and harvesting fruits that were ripened. You had already collected several bunches of cherries from the ever-blossoming cherry trees, as well as some sage and stalks of negi. You had been quietly humming to yourself a short tune you remembered your mother singing when you were little. It was quite the earworm and never left, even after all these years. It seems as though your earworm is contagious as well. You were able to discern over your own voice echoing in your ears another sound: someone else humming. That could only mean...

"Kazan, are you humming too~?" you teased him. With his rugged, manly image, humming seemed like the last thing someone like him would do. You had assumed he went about his work in serene silence, focusing on the task and reflecting upon his body and mind while doing so. He turned to you, face flush with panic.

"What!? N-no, of course not! I was simply getting into the melody of your song." Kazan said.

"Aww, but I like your humming, sweetie~. Do it some more." you respond again.

Kazan, flappable as always, turned his head away and sputtered out something barely intelligible about it not being proper to hum. You simply shook your head and snickered to yourself as you went back to collecting the ripened harvest.

While you were finishing up the last row of ginseng roots, you felt a chilly breeze flow through your clothes and against your face. Looking toward the ever-blackened skies, you perceived the silhouette of storm clouds closing in. You turned your head to Kazan, whom had moved farther away to complete his own share of the labor. Raising your voice slightly, you called out to him.

"Maybe we should go back inside! It looks like a storm is coming!" you half-suggested, half-ordered.

Rin appeared from behind the rows of young herb bushes and was inclined to agree with you. Kazan looked up from his work, and upon seeing the same foreboding shapes in the sky, motioned for everyone to follow him inside.

Once you all got inside, you happened to take a look back out the door as Rin was sliding it shut and caught a glimpse of something beautiful. A white speckle of snow. You pushed away from the two Yamaokas and threw the door open once again. Many more flakes had begun falling, and the garden was dusted with growing patches of white. You set foot outside, the cold having closed in swiftly to prepare for the arrival of the balls of winter delight.

"Snow!" you said, laughter rising up from the depth of your being and erupting in great, hearty bursts.

"Snow?" Rin and Kazan said together, a puzzled look shared across their faces. You dashed around outside, smile gleaming as you stuck out your tongue and allowed a few of the sprinkles of snow to land on it. You felt like a kid again with your family behind you, letting you enjoy yourself in the snowfalls of (Y/HT).

"Aren't you guys coming out?" you hollered. The snow has steadily picked up its pace until it became thick and fluffy on the ground, it had already begun rising above the bottom of your shoes.

Hesitantly, the two of them stepped outside of the house and into the soft substance. Rin stuck her hand into the powder and brought it to her face. Her face scrunched up from the cold radiating from the soft, crunching substance. After getting used to it for a moment, she threw it up into the air and let the scattered flakes fall back down over and into her hair with a giggle. Kazan, meanwhile, had started to sink into the snow due to the density of his body, and was forced to push his legs through the mounds of white quicksand.

"This is amazing!" Rin exclaimed. "It's so cold, but it feel nice on my skin. It even feels nice in my cuts." Kazan and you both smiled at her innocent enjoyment. Poor girl must've never gotten to experience snow before arriving.

Kazan had started having trouble pushing through the snow, so you got a cheeky idea and tackled him while he seemed off guard. The force of you throwing your body into his knocked you both to the ground. He instinctively caught you and pulled you into his chest. You pushed up against his chest and kissed him lightly, your fingers starting to caress his pecs.

"Too much for you, big guy?" you teased him further. He snorted in half-hearted annoyance before pulling you back in for another, deeper kiss. His lips were cool, but his body heat was so strong that you felt like you were inside, cuddling in front of a fireplace. His fingernails slowly skimmed across your back, making sure to avoid ripping your clothing, as they are often apt to do. After a few seconds, the kiss concluded, and he pushed himself to his feet, causing you to fall backward into the snow, leaving a you-shaped impression in it. Kazan's laughter roared out across the property, having some schadenfreude at your expense. You huffed and brought yourself out of the large mass of snow. Though it was still falling, no more seemed to be collecting on the ground. The Entity must think that's enough fun for now.

The three of you frolic in the winter wonderland your new god had so graciously provided, teaching Kazan and Rin how to make snow angels, even if Kazan made one by accident, and having a snowball fight. Rin won because she loved to phase walk and throw the snowballs at the back of your and Kazan's heads. Having been thoroughly exhausted, and shivering to boot, the three of you returned back to the home to warm up. You wondered if the Entity would be kind enough to provide hot chocolate.

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