Chapter 9: A Warrior's Feast

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A/N: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you enjoy the holiday special of A Demon's Fall. There will be another one like this for Christmas as well, so stay tuned.

A month has gone by since Kazan and you started officially dating. It was a first of its kind event in the realms of the Entity, and naturally, everyone was astir because of it. Reactions were also a mixed bag. Some were supportive and kind, others were revolted and made accusations that such a relationship couldn't and shouldn't be sought. Despite it all, your new little family unit, including Rin, were making the most of their time between the Entity's trials. Less and less, you three had been pulled for them. Rin suggested it was because of the amount of food the Entity was getting from your bond alone, making the need for you to go to trials less relevant.

"Speaking of food, we should have a Thanksgiving feast!" you suggested giddily. All three of you were lounging at your dining room table when the idea struck you. Remembering the good times before your abduction brought memories of all your friends and relatives gathering together to share a home-cooked meal. Rin and Kazan, meanwhile, were both at a loss. Confusion plastered their faces as they looked to one another, then back to you.

"(Y/N), what are you talking about?" Kazan questioned you.

"What!?" you yelled in amazement. You never heard of a person that didn't know Thanksgiving. "How do you two not know what Thanksgiving is?"

"(Y/N), Kazan and I are not from your time, remember?" Rin answered on behalf of them both.

You nod in agreement. You oftentimes forget that they're both from times before your own, and don't know a lot of the things you do.  Taking a few short minutes to explain what Thanksgiving is, Rin's eyes lit up at the concept of a massive meal with all your closest family and friends. Kazan seemed less than impressed.

"That's such a frilivous idea!" he boomed. "We cook all that food, and for what? Just to get people to come over and talk?"

"That's kind of the idea, Kazan." you confirmed.

"Prepousterous! My father taught me never to waste food unless a real accomplishment came to the family." he retorted.

"Kazan, please." Rin interjected. "We never have anything good and special coming in this realm. It is a sort of statis. You know that."

Kazan hummed to himself, then sighed. "You make a point. We do almost always do the same old, same old."

"Exactly. That's why we should mix it up." you reasserted.

Kazan shut his eyes to contemplate your proposition. Something you'd noticed since you started spending the majority of your time with him and Rin was that Kazan no longer felt the need to constantly wear his mask around you. You knew he was self-conscious of his apperence ever since the Entity morphed him into the fiercesome Oni. It made you feel special in his eyes and, on top of that, you had found beauty in his face beyond the traditional aspects. When he got upset, his nostrils flared and a soft whistling sound could be heard if one listened closely. His smile was bright and his teeth were a perfectly brilliant white. Out of all the features of his face, however, his eyes were your personal favorite. They had a fire behind them always, a passion for the things he loved: his family, his art, and most of all, his quest for self-refinement. They sparkled with affection and tender care everytime he looked to you, and that spark ignited your heart with a deep, aggressive love. His eyes were like a match to your love-soaked heart.

After a short while, Kazan nodded in the affirmative. Rin and yourself both cheered with his acceptance, and Rin immediately leapt into ideas for the food. You quickly joined her pace and, together, began rapid-firing recipie after recipie at each other. Kazan stood and came between you two, placing a hand on each of your shoulders.

"Girls, girls. I can't even follow the conversation with your restless tongues. Slow down and come to an agreement. Do you two even know when you want to do this whole 'Thanksgiving' event?"

You both shook your head and took his point. The three of you began to go over dates and food to prepare, and evidently, your family had opted for a mixed culture Thanksgiving. You decided to prepare foods from Rin's and Kazan's homeland: Korrokke filled with Turkey meat, cranberry sauce, a candied ham, some Oyakodon, and some Mochi as a dessert. As well as the food, you all agreed to host it in three day's time. You needed to go to the survivor camp in order to invite David and Ash, both of whom you knew Kazan would like, with Kate as your personal pick since she was just the sweetest. Kazan, meanwhile decided to invite the killers while Rin began the preparations, seeing as she was the best cook between the three of you.

Setting off on your tasks, the next three days went by in a flurry. You had to all build a new table set and chairs for the guests, as your regular table simply wasn't big enough for everyone. Secondly, you changed your plans to have it outside, where nature's beauty could reach you more easily. The third thing was convincing the Entity to provide you the ingredients to make some of the dishes. At first, the malevent god refused, relishing your frustration. After two days of incessantly bothering it, and no doubt from motives of its own, it granted your request. Because of the Entity's delay, you scrambled to get all the food prepared the night before the event. Stressful and intense as the work was, you were very pleased with the way all the food came out, along with learning a few new recipies.

Finally, after all the hard work and sweat, the day arrived. You set the food out on the freshly carved table, and eagerly awaited by the entrance to see who would be joining you. You didn't have to wait long, as the moment the time came, Deathslinger came over the crest. He tipped his hat to you respectfully before quickly moving to take a seat at the table, doing a similar gesture to Kazan and Rin. Directly behind him followed Trapper. Trapper took the time to shake everyone's hand before taking his own seat. He seemed to enjoy the oportunity to be more proper than the usual bonfire gathering allowed. Next came David, Ash, and Kate. They huddled together in fright. They nodded at you before moving toward the table. They didn't sit right away, until Rin and, to your surprise, Deathslinger, moved to bid them relax and pulled out chairs for them to sit in. Hesistating, they thanked them softly and took their seats.  Finally, the Doctor showed. Without his headgear, he didn't look at all scary. He seemed like a regular man, if you ignore the scorched skin. He took your hand, gave it one hearty shake and than greeted Kazan and Rin with a bow.

After another ten minutes and no others showing up, you all decided to get started. Giving thanks to the ancestors and, in a way, to the Entity for allowing this feast to come to pass, you all greedily began digging into the feast before you. As the meal went on, the survivors loosened up and began hitting it off rather well with the rest of the group, even seeing Ash and Doc having an arm wrestling competition at one point after Rin took the dish for the cranberry sauce away to make room.

It was a wonderful, joyous occasion. One you never would've expected to get to experience in the Fog. You thanked Kazan and Rin for all their hard work, and then turned to speak with Desthslinger about his engineering, which you found to be a quite fascinating profession for someone here. Before you could move though, you felt a rugged hand seize yours. Spinning to face your love with a smile, he pulled you in closer and embraced you. What commenced then was a long, loving kiss shared between you two. You could've sworn you heard someone comically gagging, but you didn't really care. Your lion's presense was all you could focus on.

Breaking the kiss off, finally, Doc made a silly comment about getting married, which elicited a giggle from everyone except Kazan. You all split up, chatting and dining together, and you knew that this, despite it all, was your best Thanksgiving of all time.

Demon's Fall (Dead by Daylight Oni x Fem-Reader)Where stories live. Discover now