Chapter 7: Family Meeting

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A/N: Sofu is used in this chapter. It's Japanese for grandfather.

The Spirit walked with you following behind her, silence draping the air between you two. You really didn't know what to expect, walking into the metaphorical lion's den with the other killers. The thought scared you, especially since there were a few that really seemed to target you in particular. The two that instantly come to mind are the Demogorgon and the Wraith. The Demogorgon made its reason very clear: it enjoys your flavor. Every time you go up against that extraterrestrial being, it makes sure you take a chunk off your corpse and gorges on it like a starved dog.

The Wraith was a different story. Always the silent one, you never could guess at his motives for consistently and constantly stalking you through the trial grounds. Between the two of them, you'd take the Demo every day of the week. Being ripped apart was fucking painful, don't get the wrong idea, but being attacked with intent and personal hatred put you in a state on unease so bad that you usually couldn't do a gen properly when Wraith was the killer. You'd tried to find out why he hated you so much in the past, but he never responded when you were on the hooks outsides of his strange clicking sounds.

A light began to shine through the treeline, and the first thing you thought was that you'd returned back to the campfire. You stared at the back of the Spirit's head, pondering why she brought you here when you were supposed to be going to meet with Kazan. Your questions were answered as you got closer. The light of the fire reflecting off of a pale, white mask was the dead giveaway for you. Michael. The closer you got, the worse you felt. More and more hollow eyes turned in your direction to stare at your approach. All silent faces and watchful eyes around the campfire filled you with dread. It was as if you were a kitten that walked into a den of vipers. Without warning, your old nemesis' screech rang out and reverberated throughout the black forest, startling a murder of crows in the progress. You jumped back on instinct, and the closest killer to you, The Trapper, grabbed your forearm. You felt your blood run cold as his grip tightened around you.

"Care to explain what you're doing here?" he asked. Despite his threatening aura, he spoke well and civilly, which you noticed wasn't a trait for most of the killers you've met so far on your first impression.

"I-I came to see The Oni. He had an issue and The Spirit thought I could help." you sputtered out at him, your voice cracking noticeably halfway through.

The Trapper grunted in acknowledgement and released your wrist. You pulled it back in towards your chest and began to rub it to dull the soreness. Sitting back down, you didn't expect him to continue speaking.

"Sorry. Got bad experiences with trespassers. Name's Evan McMillian." he introduced himself, face turned to stare into the flames licking at the sky.

"Nice to meet you, Evan. My name is (Y/N). Didn't expect you to be so...what's the word...?" you trailed off. Evan took the hint and finished your sentence for you.

"Cordial? I get that a lot." He sighed afterward, the frustration clear in his voice.

"Evan, stop talking to her." The Wraith spoke up from three seats to his left. "She's probably not interested in the rest of us anyway."

"Yeah, tell it like it is, Phil." one of the four members of the Legion agreed from out of your sight. The fire obscuring their visage.

"It was nice to meet you, Evan. I have urgent business to take care of now. Hope we can talk again." you replied, a soft smile forcing itself onto your face. The Trapper grunted in acknowledgement once again.

"Go on, (Y/N)." Evan dismissively replies.

With the Spirit beckoning you forward, you made your way past the fire, the sound of yelling growing and then fading as you distanced yourselves.

Demon's Fall (Dead by Daylight Oni x Fem-Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя