Eddy's panic

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His father was taken away, should he be happy, sad, angry? He did not know how to feel. Brett started thinking "Was that my fault?, what just happened?, did this happen because I asked help from my teacher? Am I free? " He was too overwhelmed from his thoughts as he thought more and more, his head started to feel heavy, his body felt numb, and just like that he fell over right into Eddy's arms.

"AAAAHHHHH Brett fainted!!! What do I do oh no oh no oh no oh no" Eddy screamed as he held onto Brett, "at least I was able to catch him but I need too call for help AGAIN AND FAST" He quickly dialed 911 on his phone this time and shouted " I NEED HELP NOW, SOMEONE FAINTED PLEASE COME HERE NOW" The dispatcher immediately got an ambulance and brought it to where Eddy's house is, it only took 3 minutes. However, that 3 minutes felt like hours. Eddy was so worried about Brett, he felt so

useless that he couldn't do anything. He tried to check if Brett was still breathing and thankfully he was. While waiting he just stared at Brett the whole time, nothing else was important aside from him. He examined Brett's face clearly, the bandage on his forehead, his soft baby face, his perfect eyes. Everything about Brett was perfect, Eddy felt hurt that Brett had to go through such evil parents. He promised right there that he would keep Brett safe from now on, and he would be willing to do anything for that promise to stay true.

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