Secrets unfold

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The next day, Eddy woke Brett up. "Wake up Brett it's time to go to the police station! " Brett woke up and smiled again for he knew this day was going to be different. After getting ready, they scurried to the car and for the first time in forever, Brett did not fall asleep in the car.

He was too busy thinking about what happened last night...

While Brett was daydreaming, Eddy interrupted him a little and said "Brett when we arrive there, they might ask you some questions, don't be afraid though. They are just there to help ❤️"

"Oki", Brett replied.

They traveled around for another 7 minutes until they arrived at the police station.

Brett suddenly got anxious "where am I? How is my dad doing? Will he be mad at me?"

Eddy saw Brett looking very stressed, but in an attempt of calming him down, he grabbed his hand and looked him in the face, and said, "I know you have a lot of things going on in your mind right now, but just like I always say, I will be here. There's nothing to worry about Brett :) Take a deep breath and calm down. Oh yeah and whatever it is, just know that you did what was right and that you should not regret anything, okay?" Brett nodded in return.

"Let's go?" Eddy replied again as he took the lead while holding Brett's hand to the hearing room. Brett calmed down and followed Eddy.

They took their seats and waited for everyone to arrive. First were the lawyers, then some witnesses, and lastly, the judge.

The hearing started, "Criminal case number 473, Edward Yang, father of Brett Yang suspected for child abuse", said one of the people who entered the courtroom. "Brett Yang, please stand on the podium and share what your experience was with your father?", said the lawyer of the opposition.

Brett followed through with what the lawyer said, he stood on the podium, took a deep breath just like what Eddy told him to do, and spoke up. "I- uh- my dad.. he hit me a lot.., he would always shout- " Brett cut himself from speaking, he was scared, he needed someone to help him, he didn't know what to do, even after Eddy told him what to do, his mind somehow became blank. He started becoming teary-eyed, Eddy asked his lawyer if he could stand beside Brett. The lawyer said he could just as long as he wouldn't cause too much distraction to Brett. Eddy walked to Brett and said "don't worry, continue, no matter what your father can't hurt you anymore"

Brett continued on stuttering, "he he would always.. shout at me, he threat- threatens me that he'll leave me.. he used to hit me with his belt a lot, uh he hurt mom too uh-"

The opposition lawyer stepped down from asking questions to Brett, the lawyer of Brett stepped forward to continue the discussion.

"How did he hurt your mom?"

Struggling to speak, Brett was barely audible, his throat hurt from trying to speak properly. "He hit her too... he hit her.. hit her with- " Brett paused again, he suddenly remembered what had happened.

His mind flashbacked to the day his mom was still alive. Everything was a blur, all that he remembers was his mom fighting with his dad. Everything was a mess, the house, his thoughts, everything really. Brett remembers him standing in front of his mom right before his dad hit her with one of the broken wine bottles. Instead of his mom getting hit, Brett got struck first on his forehead, right above his eyebrow. Brett collapsed in pain, his vision started getting blurry, all he saw was his dad carrying his unconscious mom outside to what it seems like the car?

He snapped out of the flashback "continue Brett it's Oki" said Eddy. Brett had enough of sidetracks, he had to say it once in for all "my dad killed my mom", Brett was really crying now...

The judge stopped the hearing and said "that's all we need for today, I need private investigators hired, as for now Edward Yang stays in the city jail, keep close eyes on him. 

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