• Chapter 10 •

Start from the beginning

"Get away from her!" Julia shouted and tried to attack the grounder to keep him away from her sister. She tackled him, but her small fifteen-almost-sixteen-year-old body was no match for the large man.

The grounder easily shoved her off him and Julia fell back from the force of the shove, falling against the wall of the cave roughly. The breath was knocked out of her and the dizziness just got worse to the point that she couldn't even attempt to get up.

Soon, she felt herself losing consciousness again to the sound of Octavia's screams.


"Hey, everybody, gather around and grab a weapon." Bellamy addressed the crowd at the camp as he laid down a bag of weapons on the ground.

"My sisters have been out there alone for twelve hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without them." Bellamy told them and people started grabbing weapons.

Many people decided to go, including Jasper and Finn. The group started to leave, until they got distracted by something in the sky.

It looked like a meteor shower, but Clarke and the girl from the ship, Raven, knew better. "They didn't work. They didn't see the flares." Raven spoke up.

"A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy questioned. "It's not a funeral shower, it's a funeral. Hundreds of bodies being returned to the earth from the Ark. This is what it looks like from the other side. They didn't get our message." Clarke explained.

Bellamy hung his head as Raven got angry. "This is all because of you!" Raven stormed towards Bellamy, but Finn held her back.

"I helped you find that radio." Bellamy defended himself. "Yeah, after you jacked it from my pod and trashed it." Raven shot back.

"Yeah, he knows. Now he has to live with it." Clarke spoke and Bellamy looked up at the sky for a moment before looking back at Clarke.

"All I know is that my sisters are out there and I'm going to find them. You coming or what?" Bellamy said and Finn nodded. "Yeah." He confirmed.

"What are we waiting for? Move out!" Bellamy ordered the group.


Julia groaned as she woke up yet again. "If I could stay conscious for a decent amount of time this time, that'd be great." She muttered before she remembered what happened and her eyes shot open.

"Octavia!" Julia shouted as she quickly looked around for her sister. Octavia just so happened to be sitting next to her, already conscious.

"Oh, thank God." Julia flung her arms around Octavia and pulled her in for a hug. She was so worried that she would be maimed or dead when she woke up.

"Are you okay, O? What happened?" Julia questioned as she pulled back and looked over her sister. "He fixed it." Octavia answered and showed her her leg. What had been a large gash with a bone out of place was now a simple closed wound.

Octavia stood up and Julia followed her lead. Julia was glad to see that her sister could stand up without falling over in pain now.

Octavia grabbed a nearby antler as a weapon while Julia's hand instinctively went to her waistband to grab her knife. But it wasn't there. Julia sighed as she realized she must've dropped it when she fell down the hill. So it would either still be there or the grounder took it.

Tragedy ✧ John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now