Chris Jericho III

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I was late, very late. The show didn't start for another few hours but it was currently sound check and I wasn't there to be checked. Normally this wasn't such a big deal but tonight I was my debut as a commentator for NXT. The brand new WWE show and I couldn't afford to mess that up, if I did it would be my career and my head.

I was running so fast, as fast as a girl could run in 5 inch heels before banging into someone, full force. I felt myself begin to fall backwards, so I closed my eyes to brace myself for the impact. Only the impact never happened, I was saved by two strong arms wrapping themselves around my waist, holding me tight into their body. I slowly opened my eyes to stare into the most intense yet mesmerizing blue eyes I ever seen.

"First ow for such a small girl you have some impact." I heard the voice chuckled. "And second it's not really smart to run a marathon in here, especially in heels." He commented as he eyes took in every inch of my body.

"I'm so sorry." I breathed slowly regaining my breathe. I started to take in the man's features in front of me before feeling a little star struck, I just bumped into Chris Jericho. "I'm late."

"No your not, the WWE is late. Problems with the sound so you are right on time there...." He trailed off looking deep into my eyes waiting for my reply.

"Madison, my name is Madison." I smiled as I was about to rise my hand when I realised where it was - on his chest. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." I spoke trying to move backwards only to be stopped by his arms.

"I like having a beautiful lady in my arms." He grinned before letting me go. "It's nice to meet you Madison, I'm Chris." He smiled extending his hand in my direction.

"I know." I breathed shaking his hand a little too hard.

"Excited?" He laughed as I blushed looking at the floor. "You are cute when you blush."

"You are nothing like your character." I whispered looking at the floor only to feel a hand under my chin, pushing me up to see the two blue eyes from before.

"Not all the time." He smiled. "A pretty girl like you should never look down by the way." He smiled as I went to look down again only to be stopped by his hand. "No."

"Sorry." I laughed placing a piece of hair behind my ear.

"That's better. So what do you do around here?" He asked looking around him.

"I actually got a job as a commentator." I grinned, it was my dream job with my dream company.

"Really? Like out there in the ring commentating?" He asked pointing towards the curtain.


"I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other then huh." He grinned biting his lip as he once again checked me out.

"I should be going." I smiled as I went to move past him only to be stopped by his hand on my arm.

"Meet me here later yeah?" He smiled, I didn't have much time to respond as he started speaking again. "Fantastic, I'll see you after the show" He winked and went to walk away.

"Your pretty confident in yourself." I called after him.

"That's why you like me." He grinned turning around on his heel. "That and my hotness." He chuckled causing me to laugh. "Don't lie to yourself you know it." He yelled before disappearing into the crowd.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I smiled biting my lip as I made my way down to my desk. The smile on my face so big that I got odd looks from the crew but I couldn't care less. I got a date with thee Chris Jericho.

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