
The expensive fiery red Mercedes backs out of the Wang residence's driveway; its destination: central Business District Shanghai.

In silence, the Zhu siblings mull over the things that had transpired at the Wang residence. 

Now alone with his sister, Hua's eyes burn with anger and frustration, and the younger sibling braces herself for what might happen next.

Zhu Hua was a ticking bomb, ready to explode. And when the older pulls the car over, Qing almost runs out. Almost.

"Gege," She starts tentatively, "So, was it him? The one you have been looking for?"

His gaze drifts to his sister, and he quirks his brow. The next moment Xian's eyes swim in front of his mind's eye, and his grip on the steering tightens; his eyes narrow. "Damn this suit! It's so restricting!" He growls; his eyes glaze over with a thin film of red.

"Gege, calm down, please." Qing leans towards her brother, and turning his face, blows over it.

The young man closes his eyes; his grip loosens. When he opens them, they are calm. "Thank you, Meimei." The smiles, ruffling her hair, "What would I ever do without you, hm?"

Color rises to the young girl's cheek; she twirls a strand of hair between her well-manicured fingers, "You will never have to be without me, Gege. I am yours to do as you please." She coos, batting her lashes before leaning away.

Hua smirks. "I know. So, did you get a chance to look at him?"

The young girl leaves a frustrated sigh, "He doesn't have the heaven's mark. Nor does he have yours."

"Did you look at him thoroughly?"

"Yes, he is untouched. Even if he is who you are looking for, he hasn't been with anyone."

"That's impossible. No one can resist the pull or go against it. I had definitely heard the Voice. No angel can resist it." Hua muses before adding, "Did you find anything in his room?"

"Nothing that a boy his age wouldn't have." She pauses, a small smile plays on her lips, "He is fun to be around."

"Was he attracted to you?"

"I don't think so." She replies, dropping her gaze. "Did you want me to use my gifts on him?"

Hua leaves a frustrated sigh and looks at the long empty stretch of road in front of him. "This was just a formality, Qing. How did it turn out this way!?" He bites out, irritation visible in the way he bangs his palm against the innocent steering wheel, making it revibrate at the force.

"Maybe this suit is faulty. Is it possible that Xian didn't hear you?" Qing guesses, "After all, this boy was not very happy with the deal you offered him in exchange for borrowing his body."

"He had consented. The deal was struck fair and square. This body, this suit is mine till I don't say otherwise."

 The young man pinches the bridge of his nose, "Did you get a good look at YiJun?"

"Yes, he has been with women."

Hua quirks his brow, "Women?"

"Multiple women."

"Are you sure?" Hua demands, his brows knit; Qing nods, "Yes. Only women."

"Damn it!" The young man curses, his jaw clenches, "If he has only been with women, there is no way he has been with him!"

"Gege, did you get anything off of him? Could you see it, his aura?"

"No. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing. But I can't discount the possibility that YiJun might be the fallen general yet. Him not having an aura might be because he has been sinning." Hua contemplates, "He writes about us like he knows us, is one of us. Qing, he may not be my brother, but the things he knows, not even lower-level angels do."

"Gege, could he be someone from our side? Perhaps an escaped soul that spent time in the underworld?"

Who are you, YiJun!?

Are you a fallen too, just like me?

If not, who are you, and how do you know things that only the five of us were supposed to?

Mind in turmoil, Hua closes his eyes again, "I have fixed an appointment with him tomorrow night."

"Will Xian be accompanying him?" The ancient seductress wearing a young girl's guise questions and regrets it immediately when pale, slender fingers close around her throat.

"He may not be the boy I am looking for, but that doesn't mean that I have agreed to let you have him... I am not done with him yet." He threatens and lets go of her, making the girl whimper and shrink back in her seat. "Sorry, my king. I forgot my place for a moment." She stutters, lowering her head.

Hua narrows his eyes, looking at the road, "Tomorrow, I will know what YiJun is, but for now, I need you to go back and inform Dong not to proceed. I can't risk exposing myself. At least not till I find the boy."

"As you wish, my king." The girl bows. The young man places his fingers between her brows; Qing's body jolts and stills.

Now alone, Hua looks at his fingertips and brings them to his lips, "You have no aura, you haven't been with men, and I couldn't get anything off of your charge either, but Wang YiJun, I am curious, will you be able to resist me? I hope you enjoy the gift I left for you." The king of the underworld smirks into the rearview mirror, phoenix eyes stare back at him, "Xian, I have waited for nineteen years; a day more is nothing to me. I will know soon enough if the words you threw at your guardian were true or not."

The engine comes alive, and the car continues towards its destination.

"I am not to be disturbed, is that clear?" Hua instructs as soon as he reaches his home.

"What's wrong with little miss, master?" one of the house staff asks, looking at Qing's unconscious body.

"I think she skipped a meal too many," Hua replies, directing a sugary sweet smile at the young girl. "I will take care of her." He looks at the two others by her side, "You know what, you guys have been working so very hard lately. Take the rest of the day off. Except, " He pauses and looks at the young girl with a heart-shaped face, with bright eyes and slim waist. "You stay. I might need you later." He waves his hand dismissively and takes Qing to his room.

{Note :- That's it for today's update. Hope some things became clearer.

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