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"Yashiro-san! Yashiro-san!" Akane came running out of breath and was covered with sweat.

"Akane-san? What's wrong?" Yashiro was confused and worried at the same time

"Kako got the twins" upon hearing this she stood up in her seat but got stopped by Lemon

"Yashiro-sama, not so fast. That's what he wants. He wants to lure you" he said while placing his phone in his pocket

"What do you suggest?" Mirai asked

"We need a plan of course" Aoi pipped in

"Let's ask daikon-senpai" mitsuba replied. Everyone stared at her who was lost in her thoughts

"Mirai, you can see the future right?" She suddenly asks and she knew where it was going

"You want me to peek a little?" She asks and got a nod in response. Mirai grabbed his golden pocket watch and chanted something. Her eyes began to glow in colour gold along with the watch while the clock's hands began to move faster and faster until it came to a halt. Her eyes returned to normal and stuffed her watch back into her pocket

"So did we win? Did we saved the twins?" Yashiro asked


"We didn't?" Yashiro asked in horror

"I couldn't see clearly if we won but in the future, Amane died" she stumbled backwards and her hands began trembling

"Yashiro-sama, you're our leader right?" Lemon asked out of the blue

"Then let him see how powerful you are" this gave her a fighting spirit and flashed a quick smile to Lemon

"Let's go guys" after discussing the plan, she motioned everyone to head out and saved them

"Why are we here?" Yashiro led them near the Misaki company where Amane worked

"Haven't ya'll notice that the yokai's always appeared near the Misaki building?" She asked as they continue nearing the building

"So Kako is here hiding somewhere?" Aoi asked and Nene nodded in response. She stopped in her tracks causing everyone to halt as well

"Oh hello there, Yashiro-san" Misaki came out of the building looking stunning as ever

"Hello, Misaki-san" everyone bowed to him and he did the same

"Why are you all here this late? Is something the matter?" He asked

"Uhm.... We're going to our friend's house" she lied to him so that he wouldn't suspect anything

"Can we ask something, Misaki-san?" Yashiro asked and he motioned her to continue

"Do you have an employee who's name is Kako?" She asked and he tries remembering all his employee's name

"Kako?.... Oh yes! But he's not an employee though" he replied which made them alert

"What do you mean by that Misaki-san?" Aoi asked

"He's the Ceo" he smirked and everyone gasped. Before they could attack him, he teleported to the rooftop of the building. He began to summon different kinds of yokai.

"Guys, you handle them while I handle him" they all nodded and went in different directions. Her nine tails are out and were now coloured black, eyes bright red and she gripped her katana tightly.

"What did you do to the twin!?" She shouted at him in anger

"Oh, you mean them?" He pointed at the twins which were wrapped in a cloud of black smoke. She heard their muffled screams and it made her blood boil

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?" She yelled at the top of her lungs due to anger

"I bet you don't know your parents" he suddenly mentioned her family

"Your mother reigns in heaven while your father governs hell. Yako and Tsuchigomori, they're the most powerful beings that ever existed. Now that you were born, you're as twice as powerful than your parents combined" she couldn't believe what she just heard neither were the twins

"Your fox form is from your mother and I guess who still haven't discovered your other powers. Give me your powers then I'll let them go"

"D.... d- D-dont do it Yashiro!" Amane screamed as he finally got the tape off his mouth

"If you don't then let's just fight first" he smirked as he transformed to his original form while holding his golden clock. She checked her friends first and they were doing fine. Only a few yokai's were now left.

"Bring it on" she smirked back

"Prepare to die" they launched at each other while glaring. Yashiro's tail glowed and used it to strike his throat.

"Too slow" he chuckled as a big clock appeared behind him.

"DIE!!" She launched at him again but froze

"What? Why can't I move?" She struggled to get free as she watched him approach the twins.

"Hand me your powers or they'll die" the black smoke moved to their necks, slowly suffocating them. They gasped for air and started coughing

"W-wait! I'll give it to you!" She yelled while tears streamed down to her cheeks. Her friends launched at him and tried helping her but froze as well. Kako let them go and he went towards her. He slapped her and cut her skin open. He continued slashing her as her friends and the twins struggled to help her.

"D-don't move guys o-or you'll die" she warned her friends

"G-go and t-take Tsukasa with you" she told him but refused

"Leaving already? Just stay for a bit" Kako teleported beside him and held a knife close to his throat. His breath hitched and his heartbeat accelerated.




The entire place shook as her voice boomed. Her eyes were no longer red but were now coloured black. Black horns grew on her head, her tails were now on fire and a halo was present above her head.

"Don't fucking mess with me or my friends!" She smirked as she saw him tremble

"I adored you like my father before but now I regret adoring you. Now bye-bye!" She snapped her fingers and his head was immediately cut off. She saw her friends fell but she made them land safely by the use of clouds.

"Are you alright, Amane?" She asked and he nodded

"How about your twin brother?" She asked worriedly

"He just fell asleep because of exhaustion" she sighed in relief and cast a spell on him to forget what he witnessed earlier. Then, she passed out on his arms

"Yashiro! Yashiro!" He shook her body to check if she's okay.

"She's fine, Amane" Lemon carried her bridal style and placed her on his dragon.

"Hop on. I'll give you two a ride back home"

"I can't believe we finally defeated Kako" Aoi teared up a bit and Akane handed her a handkerchief

"Let's celebrate once daikon-senpai wakes up" Mitsuba suggested

"Let's prepare something to eat tomorrow" Mirai suggestedd happily

"Lemon, how is she?" Akane asked

"She's just sleeping because of exhaustion" he replied

"Let's get some rest as well" they all nodded and went inside their rooms.

(This book is ending soon. Have a great day/night. Stay safe and take care. JAAAAAAYYYYY OUT!!!)

MR. STALKER (AMANENE) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ