Anika gasped awake her hand instantly going to her throat only to be met with her perfectly smooth honey skin. Reluctantly, Anika got out of bed, picking up her comforter that was now on the floor before heading to the shower. As she washed her body her hand raked over her hip the rough and ragged scar causing images of her nightmare to flash through her mind, although no one except her father believed her, Anika remembers that night vividly the large white wolf that saved her always a thought in her mind.

Once she rinsed the soap off her body she stepped out of the shower, heading back to her room to get dressed.

Just as she finished putting her shoes on her dad climbed into her room

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Just as she finished putting her shoes on her dad climbed into her room. "Oh you're already awake, not that it should even surprise me anymore." Charlie chuckles. "It really shouldn't." She giggles back. "Come on, we gotta hurry or else I won't have time to make breakfast." Anika tells him, motioning down the stairs. "Oh no we can't have that." He gasps dramatically.

"Fine then I'll just let you starve." She shrugs,  her arms crossing over her chest as she holds back a smile. Both start bursting out laughing as the enter the kitchen to see a confused Bella sitting at the table. "What's so funny?" Bella asks curiously. "Nothing, Ani was just being silly." Charlie chuckles. Bella couldn't help but glare jealously at the bond the two share.

Anika looks at her feet before going to the fridge to get what she needs, she tries to ignore the burning glare that Bella had been continuously  been giving her as she cooked, but she grew tried of it and couldn't hold back her thoughts anymore. "Look I don't know what your problem with me is but if your going to keep glaring at me you can get up and go to a different room." Anika tells her gently setting Charlie's plate in front of him. 

Bella sat her mouth agape looking at Charlie expecting him to get angry at Anika. "I don't know what you want me to say Bella she is right you have no reason to be glaring at her she hasn't done anything wrong." Charlie shrugs before digging into his breakfast.

Bella scoffed, getting up and storming out the door to Edward, who was waiting outside in his Volvo. "What's wrong?" Edward asks worriedly. "Just Charlie taking Anika's side like always." She rolled her eyes. "Maybe if you actually tried to get to know her he wouldn't have to." Edward tells.

"So you're choosing her side too then." She huffed. "No all I'm saying if from what I've seen and heard from Rosalie she is a wonderful person." Edward sighs running a hand over his face. "Yeah and that's coming from the person who doesn't just hate me, she loathes me." Bella replies. Edward already getting frustrated gave up and tried to focus on the road.

After she and Charlie finished eating Anika moved to pick up their plates only for him to beat her to them. "I could have done it dad." She sighs playfully glaring at him. "But you don't have to. I mean you already made breakfast the least I could do is put the dishes in the sink." He chuckles. "Now hurry you gotta get to school." He told her kissing her forehead.

"Bye dad love you." She says quickly kissing his cheek before hurrying towards the door. "Love you too." He called back just as she walked out the door. She tossed her bag into the passenger seat of her 1967 Chevrolet Impala before getting in the driver seat.

Vagabond(Paul Lahote)Where stories live. Discover now