
4.4K 258 146

On the planet, there is a way to check your statistics, but only at the doctor, by a specific command that only they could launch.

          After having stabbed himself, Techno was being taken to the doctor the next day. But Philza not being able to find anyone to watch the other three, they were brought along.

         Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Phil all sat in a room in the office of the doctor. Techno was perched on the medical bed with the others sprawled over the several chairs in the room. Techno looks to Phil, "Dad...?"

         "Yes Techno?" He raises an eyebrow in questioning as he runs his hands through the hair of Tubbo and Tommy who were very occupied with a handgame they were playing while Wilbur watched.

         "Can I...."

         "Can you....?"

         "Can I get my statistics checked by the doctor today?"

          "Oh..." Phil pauses. "You can do whatever you want that makes you happy Techno. If that means getting your stats checked, go for it!"

        "Really?" He kicks his foot forward once, wincing in the pain before returning in to his normal position.

        "Of course.."

        The mention of statistics caught the attention of the other three boys. "What's statistics?" Tommy asks, then looking to Tubbo, "Do you know?" After receiving a head shake of no, he looks to Philza expectantly.

       "It's when the doctor reads your life silly." Wilbur answers.

      "Yes and no Wil. So a doctor can run this thing called a console command. Which normally only city operators can do. But they can run this command that allows them to check what territory that they own, how many times they have killed specific creatures, how many times they have killed other people, and so on. " Phil explains.

         "And so why does Blade wanna check his stats again?" Tubbo asks.

          "I kinda wanna see if there's anything about my birth family in the statistics." He whispers.

          "Oh...Okay!" He says, and goes back to the hand game with Tommy who had gotten distracted midway through the explaination, and wasn't looking even though he was listening.

"Are you gonna leave us if you find out ..." Wilbur starts to say, but trails off.

         Technoblade catches onto what he was saying and responds with a resounding "no."

        "Oh thank god!" He whispers and turns away as the doctor comes in.

          "Technoblade...Minecraft? Welcome back. Are we here for an injury again?" The doctor points their pen in the direction of where Techno was sitting and waits till he nods in response.

          "I also...have a request." He whispers.

           "I know your dad. And these must be your brothers, are you comfortable with requesting something in front of them?" They ask just to be sure.

          "Yep. I am."

            "Go ahead then, I'll see what I can do for you."

"I've been going out into the nether lately..." He trails off, grasping at the words.

"Right.."The doctor looks at him with a hint of suspicion. "Put your leg out so I can bandage it."

He stretches the foot he had stabbed out towards them. "I was thinking."

They walk closer , and start to pull off the rudimentary bandages Phil had attempted, "You were thinking of ...hurry it up Mr.Minecraft."

Phil snickers at the doctor when Technoblade sighs. "I was wondering if you could check my statistics.. I've never had them checked before."

"Is that all? I can check it right after I'm done here." They examine the area and clean if off with alcohol, "I don't think you'll need stitches considering your accelerated hearing..I'll bandage this again and you need to rest, so no nether missions until you get better mister." The doctor sternly looks to him.

He lets out a sigh of relief. "Yes Doctor....I won't be going into the nether."

"You've been to the nether Techno???" Tommy pipes up past Tubbo's attempts at shushing him.

The doctor laughs, and responds for him while wrapping a bandage around his leg, "Your brother here has been to the nether over a 100 times."

"Woahhhh!!" Tubbo and Tommy exclaim in unison.

"I have." He nods and flexes his foot back and forth after the doctor gives him confirmation it is all complete.

"Stay careful." They remind. "And you wanted your stats checked right?"

"I do. Please." He nods.

"Okay..."They mumble, and swipe their hand down, bringing up a menu and starting to type a series of words, not focusing on the four boys who had never seen a menu before.

"What's that dad?" Wilbur asks, tugging his fathers sleeve, asking the question all four of them had.

"That's a command menu. Anyone can open one to look at block info, certain data, but you have to unlock the ability to use something called a "console," which operators, and other important people have. " Phil explains.

"Why does the Doctor have it then?" Tubbo asks.

"Doctors can't use to console for anything except checking statistics and health data." He responds.

"Can I do it?" Techno tried to swipe his hand down in a similar motion.

"You can. But you have to think the word 'menu open' as you swipe." He adds.

Technoblade tried the motion again, surprised at it suceeding. "Woah-"

Just as he was about to look around, the doctor completes typing, and Techno swipes the screen away to listen to them. "Are you ready?" They had a list open

"I am."

"Okay lets begin. Age, 16. Animal bred , 54. Blocks run, 56300 this week. Trades completed 234. Impressive." The doctor pauses.

"56,000 blocks ran?? Damn." He nods, impressed with himself.

"Entities killed, 25,460. Wow. What an amount. Amount of Land owned...50,000 block radius...Status: Operator of [Redacted] land...?" The doctor trails off, reading the results in utter confusion.

Philza sits up in his chair suddenly, "He's operator of WHAT."

Technoblade sits on the bench, confused. "What does that mean?"

"Your son here is the sole heir to a very very large...land...and has operator status.." The doctor replies, "were you aware of this??"

Phil shakes his head, "Techno did you?"

"Dad I don't even know what that means."

"Mr.Minecraft!" The doctor whispers, "You own one of the largest amounts of land in the country. You have as much power as a KING."

"Wow..."He says dumbly.

"Technoblade thats crazy..."Phil says.


4.1 k reads and words today yay!!

This is doing so so well!!

Thank you guys!!

Tommy 100 k special will be out soon!!!


-Cici <3

HIATUS Past? Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora